The parents of a young cancer patient say they would sell their home in order to fund expensive, life-saving treatment for him. Elliott Simpson, 26, was diagnosed with skin cancer in December, 2020 after noticing a mole on the back of his head.
Then a few months later, doctors found it had spread to his liver and a two-stage treatment plan was recommended by the NHS. However, due to Elliott's pre-existing Crohn's disease, he has been unable to receive treatment on the NHS for the second set of drugs needed to combat the cancer's spread.
This is because there's a fear of Elliott's Crohn's worsening if the two drugs are administered together. His father, Hugh Simpson, described the diagnosis as 'the worst day any parent could have' - and revealed the family are now applying for special NHS funding.
Hugh, speaking to Lancs Live, said: "It's hard to describe and put into words how I'm feeling right now. Hearing that your son has got cancer is the worst day any parent could have.
"But what seems to be worst is when you're told there's no funding. When he was diagnosed there was a glimmer of hope because we were not to worry too much but this is worse than that. It's heart-breaking."
A GoFundMe page for Elliott, described as Blackburn born and bred and a huge Blackburn Rovers supporter, has now been launched. The appeal currently stands at more than £13,000.
The recommended two courses of immunotherapy drugs are arenivolumab and ipilimumab. If Elliott, from Blackburn, was not suffering from the inflammatory bowl infection Crohn's disease, he would be automatically eligible to receive both treatments on the NHS.

Now, the family are having no choice but to seek private treatment, which will cost upwards of £120,000.
Talking about how he felt when he heard the news of the NHS red tape and the fact he will not receive NHS treatment, Elliot said: "I was not expecting it at all. Mum and dad have even said that they'd consider selling the house if it gets to it so we can raise the money we need.
"However, we do want to emphasise that the doctors are doing what they can but it's the NHS rules that mean I won't automatically receive the second set of drugs due to my Crohn's."
Elliott and his family will now be applying for funding for the treatment through an Independent Funding Request through NHS England. "We only get one shot at the Independent Funding Request and we need to make sure we put forward the strongest case possible and maybe we'll get it," dad Hugh added.
"But it is a maybe because these types of requests get rejected a lot, so we're not pinning all of our hopes on it. It's been 18 months of stress, being put through the wringer. To see Elliott's face drop to the floor when he got the news was really difficult, especially when there's nothing you can do as a parent."
You can donate to Elliott's Go Fund Me page, ‘Elliott CAN beat skin cancer’ to help the family reach their goal of £120,000 for private treatment by visiting the page here.