Parents and children are calling for a zebra crossing to be installed on a "nightmare" road outside a junior school. A petition was launched by 4-year-old pupil of Westdale Junior School, Minnie Willis-Crowther, to introduce a zebra crossing in Digby Avenue, Mapperley.
Her petition has 817 signatures to date and was presented to Nottinghamshire County Council recently. Paul Willis-Crowther, Minnie's father and a project director, is even more frustrated with the situation, believing the progress towards a safe crossing for both pupils and parents is going backwards.
According to traffic surveys up to 1,600 vehicles pass along the street every day, and 20% drive at speeds above the 30mph speed limit. “A pedestrian survey was done in November last year, but when it finally came to the council meeting in March – the officers said it hadn’t been completed and new one has been scheduled," he said, speaking to Nottinghamshire Live outside the school.
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“We’re having to fight a committee just to get a zebra crossing put in, but if somebody gets knocked over it’ll get approved and done tomorrow. It’s just about budgets for them.
He added: “They need to do something because they have a duty of care to make sure the children that go to these schools can cross safely and access the playing fields.
“We get 1600-plus cars come down this road every single day – which will only increase with the new Gedling Access Road – and the report said about twenty percent go above the speed limit. That’s 320 cars speeding down here every day, and they think that’s acceptable.
“The council need to take some action and get it done because 800 parents have signed that petition, and if one child gets killed, I want to look in the councillors’ eyes about why they took so long.”
Rob Slater, the headteacher for Westdale Junior School, is also keen to see progress made. He said: “The implementation of the zebra crossing is absolutely something this school supports.
“Cars go way too fast down Digby Avenue, and action needs to be taken to remedy that.”
Aaron Stewart, of Mapperley, who walks along the street on the way to school with his children Poppy and Fox, said: "I think it would be a great idea to have a zebra crossing. There are just too many cars down here.
"I have to come by car because I have to go straight to work after. But I don't park near the school. I never take my car past the school."

Maria Lindsay, also of Mapperley, added: "It is a nightmare. It needs a zebra crossing. People speed and the children get picked up by the big buses and vans. People are dodging the potholes."
Gedling's Conservative MP, Tom Randall, was contacted by Mr Willis-Crowther and wrote to all residents along Digby Avenue. Mr Randall knocked on doors and collected signatures as part of a drive to get a scheme rolling.
Speaking of what lies ahead councillor Neil Clarke, chairman of the transport and environment committee at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The petition response was debated and considered by the Transport and Environment Committee on Wednesday when it was determined that a pedestrian and traffic survey will be undertaken to help assess if a formal crossing or other alternative options could be introduced on Digby Avenue in Mapperley to help overcome the issues raised in the petition.
“I do know the road and I am aware there are schools in the area. Road safety outside schools is a high priority for us and it goes without saying that pupils, staff and parents should be able to feel safe when making their way to and from school.”