Ghost hunters believe they have captured a sinister photo of two ghosts in Co. Mayo..
Irish ghost hunters have been trying to catch phantoms at Moorehall for decades.
On October 30th, Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland decided to focus their investigation this year at Moorehall.
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It is believed a Druid called Drithliu placed a curse on the land in or around 400AD.
In the sinister image shared with The Irish Mirror, PSI Ireland revealed the photo of the eerie Moorehall on the night before Halloween.
A shadowy figure that looks like a man holding a small child on the upper balcony was captured by PSI’s camera.

The former estate owner George Moore was warned by locals not to build Moore Hall at the site of Muckloon Hill, as the land was deemed to be cursed.
Moorehall is situated to the south of the village Carnacon in the barony of Carra, County Mayo.
The Moores were an aristocratic Irish family who built Moore Hall between 1792 and 1795.
In the 1790's when the Penal Laws were being relaxed, George returned to Mayo with a fortune of £200,000. He purchased an estate of over 12,000 acres and commissioned the construction of Moorehall.

George Moore went ahead and built Moorehall, and what followed next was a tragedy for the Moore family.
Shortly after moving into Moorehall in 1795, George Henry Moore suffered a stroke and was left blind.
The balcony area of Moorehall caught the attention of Paranormal Investigation Ireland from their previous investigation which was held in September 2021.
They captured an image in the top window, considering Moorehall is just a shell as there are no stairs or floor.

Speaking on the discovery to the Irish Mirror, Richard of Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland said: “After reviewing the footage so far we believe there is an image of a person and a child on the balcony. We have posted this picture on our Facebook Page, Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland and it has received a phenomenal response.
“Considering we have not drawn circles or arrows, or stated anything. People are commenting the same thing as we believe the image to be.
“We felt this area was perfect to investigate considering it had a connection to a druid, and considering it was Halloween it was a perfect combination for an investigation.”

The team shared the image on their Facebook and several members of the public shared what they could so.
One said: "Looks like a silhouette of a man in an early 1900s soldiers uniform on the balcony"
While a second said: "think I see a man holding a young child
The house was occupied continuously from 1795 until 1910. "
For the next thirteen years it was periodically unoccupied until it was burnt down by the old IRA in January 1923 during the Irish Civil War.
You can keep up with Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland Paranormal Supernatural Investigations Ireland.
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