Trump attorney general nominee Pam Bondi's second day of confirmation hearings will feature testimony from five witnesses who will speak to her prosecutorial experience and bipartisan work as Florida's attorney general.
The witnesses scheduled to testify include individuals who have worked closely with Bondi during her tenure as a prosecutor in Florida. Dave Aronberg, a former state attorney for Palm Beach County and Democrat who ran against Bondi in the state attorney general race, will provide insight into Bondi's leadership as he was later appointed by her to serve as her drug czar. Nicholas Cox, a prosecutor who worked alongside Bondi during her 18 years at the Hillsborough County state attorney’s office, will also share his perspective. Emery Gainey, a former sheriff in Alachua County, will offer his testimony as well.

Additionally, Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., will provide an outside perspective on Bondi's work. Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor and professor at Georgetown Law, will also testify during the confirmation hearing.
The diverse group of witnesses is expected to shed light on Bondi's professional background, her approach to law enforcement, and her ability to work across party lines. Their testimonies will play a crucial role in informing the Senate's decision on whether to confirm Bondi as the next attorney general of the United States.