Police are searching land and water near the River Cart in the hunt for a missing dad.
Drivers and pedestrians were also stopped the the Inchinnan Road area where Irvine man Evan Reid was last seen after getting off a train early on his way home from a night out in Glasgow.
The last confirmed sighting of the 31-year-old is on CCTV at 10.06pm on Saturday, March 25 when he was spotted on the busy stretch of road after disembarking at Gilmour Street station.
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Since then police, family and friends have scoured the area desperate to find the young father of one.
Chief Inspector William Graham said: “On Saturday evening exactly one week on from the last known place we believe Evan was, we carried out a road check, speaking to drivers and appealing for any further information.
"During this check we spoke with almost 150 people and I would like to thank the public for their continued support with this enquiry.

“While we assess all information from the public, I would continue to appeal to anyone who may have seen Evan since 10pm on Saturday, March 25, and we have not already spoken with you, please get in touch.
“Specialist and local officers continue to carry out land and water searches close to Inchinnan Road, near the River Cart, and our enquiries are ongoing.”
Evan is around 5ft 8in with a slim build and was last seen he was wearing a khaki green jumper, a black body warmer, dark blue jeans and grey trainers.
Call police on 101 immediately if you have information.
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