A pervert who watched horrific sexual abuse images of children who 'appeared to be drugged' has avoided jail.
Jake Addison, 20, watched little girls as young as two being raped online, as well as viewing a number of illegal images of eight-year-old girls being sexually abused on Snapchat and his Xbox.
Addison, who was convicted of similar offences in 2019, was made subject to strict conditions over his internet usage. But Teesside Crown Court heard how he broke those conditions - by using encryption software and deleting his internet history, reports TeessideLive.
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Police raided Addison's home in December of last year, seizing his phone and Xbox. They found Addison had installed Snapchat in March 2020. 43 illegal images had been automatically deleted from the app. Prosecutor Uzma Khan said that some of the children in the images appeared drugged.
Addison, of Dalby Close in Redcar, pleaded guilty to three breaches of a sexual harm prevention order. He was found with eight category A indecent images - the most serious kind; three in category B and 37 in category C.
Andrew Turton, defending, said that his client is "extremely immature" and that he seems to have, "fallen through the cracks in terms of the help he requires." Mr Turton said that Addison is "vulnerable" and has learning difficulties.
"He has moved forward and probation have done work with him" Mr Turton continued, "but he was taken into custody and that set him back," said Mr Turton. Judge Andrew Sutcliffe said that after Addison's last sentencing, " it appears he simply continued offending, whilst under the auspices of the probation service. He knew full well he shouldn't be doing this."

"He says he feels physically sick about his behaviour," Mr Turton told the judge.
Judge Sutcliffe told Addison: "It's clear you made deliberate searches for these images whilst you were under a court order. In some of the videos, the children appear intoxicated.
"At the age of 21 you should be given a chance to put all of this behind you and not commit any further offences. There is no evidence that you have offended since January, when you were arrested."
Addison was handed a 12-month prison term, suspended for two-years. He will sign the sex offenders' register for ten years. 40 rehabilitation days were added to the 11 that he still has to attend from his last sentencing.