Is it time to Marie Kondo your outdoor gear for your next adventure trip? Are you tired of losing your hiking gloves only to find them stuffed inside your hiking boots two months after your vacation? Travel specialists Matador have just the ticket, with their latest travel pack which aims to revolutionize the way people store gear on the go.
The new Matador Gear Cube set features three separate cuboid packs, each smaller than the other. Each pack can be used individually so you can separate your clean base layers from your muddy hiking shoes, or the largest pack, which boasts five liters of capacity, can store the other two. Designed with organization in mind, Matador boasts that this unique travel pack will help efficient packers keep every bit of kit stored away.
The smallest of the three bags has 2.5 liters of capacity while the middle can carry 3.9 liters. Each lightweight on its own, the three bags add a combined 0.6 lb (258 g) to your suitcase or duffel when used together, which is virtually worth its weight in gold if you like your gear well organized.

Designed for efficiency from the airport to the backcountry, the Gear Cube set is made from recycled nylon and a PCP-free DWR waterproof coating to protect your gear from wild weather and accidental spills inside your case. Each bag’s two-way zipper is water-resistant while quick-release compression straps at both ends of each pack keep your gear in a manageable shape.
Available at WildBounds, Matador’s Gear Cube set retails for $74.57 / £57.45 in the Black and Arctic White colorways.
In addition to their all-new Gear Cube Set, Matador has released the fully waterproof FlatPack Dry Bag for transporting electronics, documents and other items that just can’t get wet. This bag has an IPX7 waterproof rating and features a roll-top design to ensure water can’t creep in from any point of the bag.

Available in the sleek Black colorway, both sizes of the FlatPack Dry Bag can be found on the WildBounds website for $38.98 / £29.99 and $51.98 / £39.99 respectively.
For more on dry bags and how to use them, check out our top 7 reasons you need a dry bag.