Overwatch 2 has a long list of heroes with some being more meta than others but the roles that they have play different strategies when it comes to team composition.
Tanks are one of the most important roles whenever you build a team in Overwatch 2 as they take the brunt of the damage and keep your own damage dealers safe from harm. In this regard, Winston is an amazing hero and is one of the best at what he does.
As the game only allows teams to have one tank-type hero, players can no longer play dual-Winston parties. However, the hero is still a very viable pick due to how mobile he can be on the battlefield, which is useful since there's only one tank.
Winston's Abilities
The hero's abilities include the Tesla Cannon, which is his primary weapon, which has a relatively simple secondary fire and does not deal a lot of damage.
However, it can cut through shields and will automatically target enemies in front of you, according to GameRant.
Winston's secondary fire will instead launch a ball of electric energy and players can hold down the button in order to charge a single electric beam. This ability deals 20 damage per shot and will use up to 12 ammo per shot.
The Barrier Projector ability will allow Winston to deploy a large, dome-shaped shield that can soak up damage for you and your teammates.
The good thing about this shield is that it is not centered on Winston and is instead planted at his feet. This means that you can place it on an objective or an escort.
The Jump Pack gives Winston the ability to launch himself through the air and deal damage in a small area when he lands. The benefit of this particular ability is that it has a moderate cooldown, which allows you to use it more often than not, said GameSpot.
Winston's Ultimate
This tank hero has a simple but relatively powerful Ultimate ability known as Primal Rage that gives him overhealth, a movement speed buff, as well as a buff for his melee attack. It also shortens the cooldown of Jump Pack, letting you use the ability more often.
However, there is one drawback to using Winston's Ultimate ability, which is that he can only use the Jump Pack and his melee attack and nothing else.
Winston's Passive
Another thing that many people may forget is Winston's Passive ability, Role: Tank, which reduces the effects of knockback abilities from other heroes. This is the passive ability that all tank heroes in Overwatch 2 have.
Winston's Playstyle
Some tips for playing Winston in Overwatch 2 are focusing on disrupting your enemies, isolating them, and then breaking apart their team. All of the hero's abilities are designed to cause chaos to your opponents.
While Winston is relatively easy to use, players will have a difficult time mastering his playstyle and using his abilities properly and at the right time.
In particular, the hero is a good fit for dive compositions that enter enemy territory and focus on one hero at a time, according to TheGamer.