Overwatch 2 has a ton of different heroes to choose from each has its own strengths and weaknesses and Ashe is a damage-type who focuses on fighting with her powerful lever-action rifle.
The first thing that players should know about Ashe is her playstyle, which is a specialization in mid-range DPS. This hero's semi-automatic rifle can either be fired rapidly from the hip or fired slowly while aiming down the sights to deal increased damage.
However, one weakness that Ashe has is her lack of spray and pray shooting which leaves her vulnerable to enemies who get in close. Fortunately, the hero's Abilities can somewhat mitigate this weakness to give her a fighting chance.
The Viper
This is Ashe's primary attack and while it can dish out heavy damage, it relies on aim and timing more than other weapons. It deals moderate damage when fired from the hip and can shoot four shots per second, according to GameRant.
But when aimed down the sights, Ashe's primary attack can only fire 1.5 shots per second but each shot now deals twice as much damage as before. This is the way that players can damage enemies from mid-range while keeping out of danger.
Coach Gun
This secondary fire for Ashe is a mini shotgun that can propel your character away from enemies or into the air. It can also blast opposing heroes while moving Ashe backward and is best used as a defensive option, said TechRadar.
The Dynamite ability lets Ashe throw out a bundle of dynamite that will detonate after two seconds from landing or immediately when it is shot. The subsequent explosion will deal a moderate amount of damage to everything within five meters.
Ashe's ultimate is known as B.O.B. and has her summoning a massive AI aimbot that will immediately start charging forward and only stop if he hits something. B.O.B.'s machine gun can fire a hellfire of bullets and can deal up to 112 damage per second.
Another useful thing about B.O.B. is that he is counted as an extra hero for your team, which means that you can use him to capture a point by standing on the objective.
Other Tips
Ashe is one of the heroes in Overwatch 2 who has high skill ceilings and takes a lot of time to understand and master.
One tip that you need to take into consideration if you want to make the best of this hero is to practice your aim to deal as much damage to enemies as you can.
Another thing you should be aware of is that you need to keep your cool, especially when enemy heroes are trying to get close to you to take you out.
Understand what your abilities can do and use whatever means necessary to shake your pursuers off, according to The Gamer.