After Michigan’s regulators issued a broad recall of cannabis products tested by Viridis Laboratories in November, a judge affirmed regulators were wrong although they acted within the scope of the law, reported MJBizDaily.
Judge Thomas Cameron ruled that the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency’s (MRA) recall was “arbitrary and without basis” and could be equivalent to a “substantive due process violation.”
Judge Cameron noted harm to the reputation of the Bay City facility resulting from the recall remains “unrebutted,” and ordered that the MRA be prohibited from further enforcing the recall.
Judge Cameron also noted the MRA identified testing discrepancies that implicated safety concerns. “That the wisdom of such a recall is or could be debatable is not enough to survive rational-basis review or to establish an equal-protection claim,” the Judge wrote on February 3.
“We continue to pursue all legal remedies so we can shine a spotlight on the MRA’s troubling conduct and improper practices and help ensure the massive disruption and chaos caused by the MRA does not happen again,” Viridis’ attorney, David Russell said in a statement.
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