Plans to use massive overhead powerlines rather than underground cables to connect renewable energy zones are the right approach despite community opposition, an inquiry has found.
A NSW parliamentary committee on Thursday released its report looking at the feasibility of "undergrounding" transmission infrastructure for renewable energy projects.
It found that the current plan for constructing overhead transmission lines was the correct approach, given the regulatory environment and the lack of any action to date on the underground option.
The report comes following controversy surrounding the $4.9 billion HumeLink project, which will connect Snowy Hydro 2.0 to Sydney and the wider NSW grid, but will also cut through prime farmland and national parks.
Ahead of the inquiry's findings, Premier Chris Minns confirmed the government would push forward with plans to construct overland transmission lines to deliver renewable energy from the eastern seaboard into the grid.
"It's three times the cost if you do it underground," he told a business event on Wednesday.
"That's going to add cost, it's going to add delay, and it will put in jeopardy all of the renewable energy plans from federal and state governments.
"I can't in good conscience say 'yes, we're going to tick off on that and see prices increased' ... for businesses and households and everybody else in NSW."
Greens infrastructure spokeswoman and committee member Cate Faehrmann labelled the inquiry recommendation a "missed opportunity", with the finding only supported by government members.
"It does not reflect the evidence that was presented to the committee, which was overwhelmingly against overhead transmission lines," she said.
Ms Faehrmann labelled the inquiry a "tick and flick exercise" to make it seem like the government was taking community concerns around transmission line projects seriously.
Network operator Transgrid previously told the inquiry the cost of running all of the HumeLink project underground could more than triple its cost to $17 billion.
The projected cost of the overland link has already blown out from $3.3 billion to nearly $4.9 billion.
The 328km transmission line has drawn criticism from farmers, local communities and environmental groups, but is considered essential for the state's renewable energy transition.
Community opponents accused the state government of ignoring the advice of independent experts, who supported placing the cables underground.
"This entire (inquiry) exercise was predetermined and a complete sham," spokesman Michael Katz said.
"It was window-dressing to hide what has become process dictated by politics.
"It is a slap in the face for the hard-working and caring people of these communities who tried in good faith to offer workable alternative solutions, which were met with disdain."