A violent rapist has been run out of his new apartment after residents discovered his sick past.
Notorious sex beast Trevor Byrne, 36, has been walking the streets since March, when he was released from jail for the attempted robbery of a woman.
The predator was hauled back into custody just a month later for breaching his parole but freed again last Monday.
His whereabouts were unknown but the Irish Daily Mirror tracked him down to The Maltings, an apartment complex on Island Street, Dublin 8.
When we called, woman hater Byrne initially refused to open the door and instead peered through a glass panel above it.
When he finally opened up he refused to confirm who he was and insisted that we talk to another man sitting inside.

When our reporter declined to enter his dimly-lit apartment, he closed the door.
Just hours after we called into the sicko, residents at the complex heard of his presence and demanded he be removed.
He was moved on Thursday night after spending two days at the flat and is believed to be living outside Dublin.
Residents were last night demanding to know how a man with his offending history was housed in a complex where over 500 women live.
One concerned occupant said that someone like Byrne should never have been placed there.
He said: “There are over 500 women living in the complex. Nobody initially knew that he was here.
“When people learned that he was living here they could not believe it.
“The female residents were living in fear and many refused to leave their apartments.
“It’s a very nice building and I have never seen or heard of any trouble here.
“How anyone for a second believed it was a safe place to house him must need their head tested.
“He has a proven track record of re-offending. He’s a monster who will never change.”
Another female occupant in the building said she was scared and angered the career criminal was there.
She said: “When I learned that he was staying here I refused to go out.
“I’m very happy that he is now gone. The scary thing though is that he is gone from here but will pop up somewhere else and nobody will be informed of it.
“The public and in particular females should be told if he is moving into their area.”
A spokesman for the homeless organisation, the Peter McVerry Trust, which housed Byrne, said that he was moved after residents voiced their concerns.
The spokesman said: “Peter McVerry Trust has worked with almost 3,000 people in 2014 providing almost 2,000 individuals with accommodation at The Maltings, Dublin 8. On Thursday at 3pm we were made aware of residents’ concerns.
“By 5pm the tenant was removed and they will not be returning to the unit. We have contacted the management company and asked them to inform any concerned residents.”
Monster Byrne has nine previous convictions, including:
• A fifteen year term he got for raping an 18-year-old woman in 1993, during which he hit her over the head with a brick and threatened to kill her;
• Just 36 hours after being released for that horrific assault, he attacked and threatened to cut another woman’s throat; he was sentenced to five years in October 2006 for the terrifying assault on 32-year-old nurse Olivia Mariano in Phibsboro, Dublin. He also punched her in the face and told her he wanted her purse;
• When sentencing Byrne to five years in prison for that crime, Judge Donagh McDonagh said: “It would be easy with a complete recidivist to lock him up and throw away the key and my immediate reaction because of the previous conviction is to impose a very heavy sentence but I do not want to leave him without any hope”;
• In September 2009, 13 hours after completing that sentence, he carried out a terrifying attempted robbery on 24-year-old French woman Noemie Krey, 24, at Leo Street. A court heard Byrne tried to rob terrified Ms Krey after following her and forcing his way into her home. He was caged for eight years with two suspended on condition he observed a curfew and avoided alcohol;
• He was back on the streets in March but ended up back in jail in April when he was caught with six cans of cider, claiming he needed alcohol to stay away from drugs.
• Byrne later rang the Central Mental Hospital and told a nurse he felt like he was out of control and “might hack somebody up”.
His case was adjourned to decide if he would have to serve the outstanding two years of his sentence due to the breaches.
Prosecutor James Dwyer said the DPP was making no application about Byrne’s continued detention.
Judge Patricia Ryan agreed to a defence application for his release last Monday after hearing he was getting treatment in custody and is willing to co-operate with probation.