This Out There ending explained feature contains spoilers... After a rural rollercoaster of drugs, deceit and murder, we’ve reached the end of this slick ITV drama and it looks like things could get even more dicey for Nathan Williams (Martin Clunes) and his son Johnny (Louis Ashbourne Serkis) before the credits roll.
The six-part series started with Johnny getting dragged into the world of county line drug dealing by his friend Rhys (Gerran Howell), who was trying to exploit him. When Nathan found out he confronted the young drug dealer and flushed his whole stash down the toilet, a rash action that set in motion a disastrous series of events.
When Johnny and Rhys’ sister Sadie (Carly-Sophia Davies) went to explain this shortfall to Rhys’ boss Kenny (Josef Altin) things turned nasty and when he tried to rape Sadie, Johnny stabbed him to death to save.
Nathan and his brother Caleb (Mark Lewis Jones) helped them get rid of the body in an old drift mine and cover up the crime, however, drug kingpin Turuk (Silas Carson) soon realised what happened to his underling and came to Bron-Haul Farm demanding vengeance.
In a moment of lightning-fast thinking, Nathan pointed out the weaknesses in Turuk’s current drug set-up and offered to let him use his farm as storage and the egg business of his neighbour Gwen as a cover for moving the stuff about.
Turuk accepted this plan, yet can Nathan trust him? Especially after he borrowed cash from the drug boss to buy Gwen’s farm and has already been asked to bury a body on his land?
The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that Nathan hasn’t told his brother, Caleb, about his deal with Turuk. But surely he can’t keep something like that a secret for long and what will happen when it comes out?
Meanwhile, PC Jane Crowther (Eiry Thomas) has also worked out what happened to Kenny and she’s found a witness who saw the Williams boys burning out Kenny’s car on the night in question. At the end of the fifth episode, Caleb said he’d found the witness PC Crowther was talking about, but who is he and can he be dissuaded from helping the police? And will Nathan regret snooping around in PC Crowther’s garage?
Elsewhere, property agent Scott Foley (Michael Obiora) has also worked out that Nathan’s father used a bit of sleight of hand to gain switch the boundary of his farm, but it was never made official on the land registry. Will that come back to haunt him?
Here’s how the final episode played out…
The six-part series started with Johnny getting dragged into the world of county line drug dealing by his friend Rhys (Gerran Howell), who was trying to exploit him. When Nathan found out he confronted the young drug dealer and flushed his whole stash down the toilet, a rash action that set in motion a disastrous series of events.
When Johnny and Rhys’ sister Sadie (Carly-Sophia Davies) went to explain this shortfall to Rhys’ boss Kenny (Josef Altin) things turned nasty and when he tried to rape Sadie, Johnny stabbed him to death to save.
Nathan and his brother Caleb (Mark Lewis Jones) helped them get rid of the body in an old drift mine and cover up the crime, however, drug kingpin Turuk (Silas Carson) soon realised what happened to his underling and came to Bron-Haul Farm demanding vengeance.
In a moment of lightning-fast thinking, Nathan pointed out the weaknesses in Turuk’s current drug set-up and offered to let him use his farm as storage and the egg business of his neighbour Gwen as a cover for moving the stuff about.
Turuk accepted this plan, yet can Nathan trust him? Especially after he borrowed cash from the drug boss to buy Gwen’s farm and has already been asked to bury a body on his land?
The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that Nathan hasn’t told his brother, Caleb, about his deal with Turuk. But surely he can’t keep something like that a secret for long and what will happen when it comes out?
Meanwhile, PC Jane Crowther (Eiry Thomas) has also worked out what happened to Kenny and she’s found a witness who saw the Williams boys burning out Kenny’s car on the night in question. At the end of the fifth episode, Caleb said he’d found the witness PC Crowther was talking about, but who is he and can he be dissuaded from helping the police? And will Nathan regret snooping around in PC Crowther’s garage?
Elsewhere, property agent Scott Foley (Michael Obiora) has also worked out that Nathan’s father used a bit of sleight of hand to gain switch the boundary of his farm, but it was never made official on the land registry. Will that come back to haunt him?
Here’s how the final episode played out…
Out There ending explained — Did PC Crowther find Kenny’s body?
After hearing that Nathan was snooping around in her office, she tells him she’ll soon be sending the cadaver dogs into the drift mine on Monday, where she’s convinced they’ll find Kenny’s body. She also suspects his body will have Nathan or Johnny’s DNA on it.
Meanwhile DCI Alexander (Jack Parry-Jones) is also determined to shut down Turuk’s operation after discovering the body of Khaled Rogan (Waj Ali).
Nathan speaks to Turuk and tells him that if he sacrifices his drug warehouse at the Garden Centre, then DCI Alexander might leave them in peace and suggests he tip off PC Crowther about it, so she has the “big scalp” she’s been seeking. In return she can forget what she knows about Kenny’s body.
The raid goes off like clockwork and Turuk is pleased to see that DCI Alexander’s gaze has been drawn elsewhere. To make sure Kenny’s body is never discovered, Caleb and Turuk’s men go and retrieve it from the drift mine.

What happened to Scott Foley?
Nathan was forced to tell his brother about his new drug operation after PC Crowther told him she knew about Kenny’s body. However before he told him, Caleb told property agent Scott Foley that Nathan was looking to buy Gwen’s farm.
Surprised that Nathan was able to afford such a purchase, Foley came to check things out for himself and after bumping into one of Turuk’s men at Bron-Haul Farm, became suspicious about what’s going on there.
When Caleb’s girlfriend Robyn does some research on Foley, she finds that he once bought six farms off their owners after their water supplies became mysteriously contaminated. Was it part of Foley’s dark plan? “The countryside is changing,” says Robyn. “A lot of new players with hidden agendas.”
Scott Foley then takes it upon himself to follow Nathan and Eva when they set off to pick up their first shipment of drugs from the dock and even though they ram his car, it's clear he's not going away.
What happened to Sadie?
After being beaten up by Bunny’s boys, Rhys begs his sister Sadie to come home and to Johnny’s dismay, she agrees. Yet when Nathan and Eva are out at the docks, he goes looking for her on the Bridgend Estate.
However when he finds her he’s heartbroken to discover that it was Sadie’s idea to drag Johnny into the business and trick him with the package in the first place. It’s a crushing blow, but at last Johnny begins to see things clearly.
Meanwhile she and Rhys continue their lives on the Bridgend Estate, with few opportunities apart from those linked to crime and drugs.
What happened to Nathan and Johnny?
After the raid on the Garden Centre, Turuk tells Nathan he wants him to collect a shipment from the docks. Nathan wants to take Caleb, but Turuk tells him to take Eva, sending Caleb to sort out Kenny's body.
After making it to the docks, they pick up the drugs and the warehouse on their farm begins processing its first batch of drugs.
It seems Nathan and Turuk are now business partners, although it’s clear Nathan still dreams of escaping the drug dealer’s clutches. When Johnny asks how they will get rid of them, his father replies. “We do what all farmers do, we settle in and bide our time and wait,” he explains. “Sooner or later they’ll make a mistake and when they do we make our move.”
However in the final scene of the show we saw Bunny had been killed and his body left on a hillside crossroads. It’s an ominous sign of what could happen to Nathan or Johnny if things go wrong!
Roll on Out There season 2!