If you've come to the end of ITV crime drama Out There and still have questions, we break down everything that happened in the gripping finale.
ITV's Out There filmed, and was entirely set in rural Wales, and is a tale of county lines crime everyone needs to know about. Although not based on a specific true story, farm owner Nathan (Martin Clunes) and his son, Johnny (Louis Ashbourne Serkis,) embody the growing problem of big city crime infiltrating the small towns and into the countryside - often, children and vulnerable people are coerced into criminal activity as part of the unlawful act.
Out There sees Johnny embroiled in county lines crime, and his father, Nathan, forced to fight back to protect him, and the farm that's been in his family for generations. For fans who've made their way through the entire six-part series, we delve into everything that happened in the tense finale, and take a look at the fate in store for both Nathan and Johnny.
Out There ending explained
Looking back to the start of the six-part series, the gripping events began to unfold when Johnny's friend Rhys tried to exploit him by getting him involved in county lines crime.
Nathan found out and flushed Rhys' stash of drugs set for distribution down the toilet, unwittingly setting in motion a chain of events that change their lives for ever.
Johnny and Rhys’ sister Sadie, had to explain why the stash had been lost to Rhys’ boss Kenny, and he retaliated by attempting to sexually assault her. To save his sister from this fate, Johnny stepped in and stabbed him to death.
Nathan and his brother Caleb hide the body in an old drift mine, but drug kingpin Turuk realises what's happened to Kenny and sends his men to Nathan's farm demanding justice.
By way of a truce, Nathan offers to let Turuk use his farm as drug storage and suggests their neighbour Gwen's farm as a cover for moving their goods around. Turuk agrees to this, but of course, Nathan doesn't trust him at all.
The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that Nathan hasn’t told his brother, Caleb, about his deal with Turuk. But surely he can’t keep something like that a secret for long and what will happen when it comes out?

PC Jane Crowther works out what happened to Kenny and also has a witness who saw Kenny’s car being set alight the night he was killed.
Fast forward to the finale, it begins with Nathan discovering Caleb had tracked down the person who saw them disposing of both Kenny's car, and his body.
The witness is keen to assert he wouldn't be going to the police, and was glad to see the back of one of the drug dealers plaguing the area he lives in.
PC Crowther is closing on on the case, telling Nathan she’ll be sending cadaver dogs into the drift mine where she's sure they’ll uncover Kenny’s body. DCI Alexander is also out to bring down Turuk’s operation when Khaled Rogan's body is discovered.
Nathan urges Turuk to give up the drug warehouse at the Garden Centre, in the hope DCI Alexander would pass the intel to PC Crowther about it - in turn, this big 'win' for her could mean she leaves the hunt for Kenny's body alone.
This plan goes well, and it does appear that the police gaze has indeed been turned away from Turuk and his gang. The next step is to make sure Kenny’s body is gone for good, with Caleb and some of Turuk’s crew retrieving it from the drift mine.
Nathan had to tell Caleb about the new drug operation when it came to light that PC Crowther knew about Kenny’s body. Meanwhile, Caleb informed Scott Foley that Nathan wanted to buy Gwen’s farm.
Wondering how Nathan could afford such a purchase, Scott goes to Bron-Haul Farm to find out what's going on - when he bumps into on of Turuk's men there, he immediately becomes suspicious about happenings there.
Scott later follows Nathan and Eva when they head to the docks to collect a consignment. Noticing him, they attempt to ram his car, but he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
In a shocking twist, it transpires it was Sadie’s idea to bring Johnny into Turuk's operations and trick him with the package. She and Rhys have few opportunities to thrive on their Bridgend Estate, and involving others in crime seemed the only way forward for Sadie.
Back at the farm, its first batch of drugs are being processed and Nathan and Turuk appear to be fully fledged business partners despite Nathan wanting to do anything to escape his new reality.
Johnny asks his dad how they're going to get out of their predicament, and Nathan replies that they'll just have to bide their time and wait for Turuk to slip up.
In the closing scenes, Bunny is found dead on a hillside, meaning Nathan and Johnny could suffer the same fate if they make a mistake - the pair are alive and well for now, but it appears a second series of the show is required, for audiences to see the father and son wriggle their way out of a dark and dangerous situation.