Behringer, as you probably know, has made a lot of synth and drum machine announcements over the last few years. So, as much as for our own sanity as anything else, we've compiled this list of everything it's announced and where it is right now in terms of release.
Behringer's mission is to bring out the musician in all of us. And, ok, to emulate just about every piece of classic gear ever made while it does so.
In 2016, Behringer announced its first synth, the Deepmind 6/12. (It's actually the second, fact fans, as Uli Behringer designed the very first one a long time ago.) Deepmind was inspired by – but didn't look exactly like – the Roland Juno-106. Since then the company has made what can only be described as a tsunami of other drum machine and synth announcements, many of which are more directly 'inspired' by other pieces of gear.
Many, like the Monopoly ,TD- 3 and 2600 synths and RD8 and RD9 drum machines, have made it to market, and are incredible machines for the not-much-money that Behringer tends to ask for its goods.
Of course, most of these releases have taken their cues, sometimes more obviously than others, from vintage synths and drum machines. Ethics aside, Behringer's mission is to bring out the musician in all of us by removing the shackles of expensive tools to help do so. And, OK, to emulate just about every piece of classic gear ever made while it does so.

However, after a flurry of successful releases, Behringer's more recent announcement-to-release ratio has seemingly fallen away, and we appear to be getting more announcements than actual releases.
To be fair on Behringer – five words that have never been used in that order before – there have been component issues that have forced delays in its product manufacturing, and it is by no means the only company that has been hit by this problem.
Whatever: all of these issues and controversies aside, the bottom line is that we've been totally confused by all of the announcements compared to what is actually in the shops. So here, direct from the horse's mouth (as in Behringer's Facebook page), is an update on everything the company has announced in the hi-tech music production sphere and whether you can or cannot buy the particular product yet.
Note: This will be a constantly updated resource as and when we get more info from the big 'B', so while not complete yet – and it probably never will be given the speed and number of announcement s Behringer makes – we will be updating it regularly to fill in as many gaps as we can.
Note 2: If you have any updates to this list – or are indeed Uli Behringer – then let us know and we'll update it!
Note 3: We haven't included all Behringer Eurorack modules or else we'll be here all day.
Currently available products

These are the Behringer synths and drum machines currently available to buy.
(Prices are all street, so a rough average value of what is available.)
- 2600 – ARP 2600 – £500/$600
- Deepmind 6 synth – inspired by the Roland Juno 106 – £550/$600 Read our review
- Deepmind 12 – double the polyphony of the 6 – £750/$800 Read our review
- Crave – Moog Mother 32 – £165/$185
- Edge Semi-Modular Percussion Synth – inspired by Moog DFAM – £190/$220
- JT-4000 Micro synth – inspired by the Roland JP-8000 - £503/$60
- Kobol – based on an RSF Kobol Expander – £179/$200
- MonoPoly – inspired by the Korg MonoPoly – £450/$500
- Model D – Moog Minimoog – £299/$350 Read our review
- MS-1 – Roland SH-101 – £320/$350
- Neutron – original – £350/$400 Read our review
- Odyssey – ARP Odyssey – £450/$500
- Poly D – Moog Minimoog – £650/$700 Read our review
- Pro-1 – Sequential Circuits Pro-1 – £245/$280 Read our review
- RD-6 – Roland TR-606 – £149/$169
- RD-8II – Roland TR-808 – £275/$300
- RD-9 – Roand TR-909 – £299/$329
- Pro VS Mini – inspired by the Sequential Prophet VS – £90/$100
- Pro 800 – Sequential Prophet 600 – £335/$350
- Solina – Solina String Ensemble – £260/$280
- System 15 – Moog Modular System 15 – around £850/$900
- System 35 – Moog Modular System 35 – around £900/$950
- System 55 modular – Moog Modular System 55 – £1600/$1800
- TD-3 – Roland TB-303 – £89/$110
- Toro – Moog Taurus –£175/$349
- Vocoder VC340 – Roland VP-330 – £450/$500 Read our review
- Victor – Eurorack Sequential Pro VS – £89/$100

Products planned or announced
These are the products that Behringer has announced or has asked for feedback on – as to whether we think the company should produce them – plus all the latest updates alongside each one. Or not…

What is it? Eurorack version of an Oberheim 2-voice
Expected price: $299
Announced: March 2022
Latest news (20/7/23): We're assuming it's in prototype form thanks to the cryptic message: "Everyone has left and I’m still here as the guys have locked the office. So I walked over to the testing center and found this beauty on a desk with a note “ready for p”. Does anyone have a clue what that means?"
AKS Mini

What is it? Mini version of a VCS3
Expected price: $99
Announced: May 2022
Latest news (January 2023): The 'final' version was shown over a year ago but has still yet to materialise in a form which we can buy.
ARP Quadra replica
What is it? Clue is in the name
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 2023 (although not really)
Latest news (16/3/23): This is not actually a work in progress… yet. The company is just putting the feelers out, saying: "Isn’t this one of the most beautiful synths ever designed? The iconic ARP Quadra. What do you think? Disclaimer. We’re not promising to build one."

What is it? Behringer's take on the iconic Theremin
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: November 2020
Latest news (26/4/23): It's in prototype as Behringer says: "Some of you asked about our Behremin, our interpretation of the Theremin synthesizer. Here is the first prototype and we’re very excited to start the software development. Please let us know what features you’d like to see."
What is it? Oberheim DMX clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 2023
Latest news (26/4/23): Prototype! Behringer said: "Friday fun. Our engineers love when they get a new prototype on their desk. Today, we fired up the first version of our BMX prototype, an homage to the legendary Oberheim DMX. Aside from the original sound samples, the BMX has also a built-in sampler, analog filters and much more. This is one cool sampling drum machine."


What is it? MoogerFooger clones
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 2023
Latest news (22/3/23): Possible prototype. Behringer has not said much about these except: "Please welcome our new family members" and shorwing phiotos of several models in the Moog-inspired range, so they might or might not be prototypes.

What is it? A DX7 groovebox with a Yamaha CS80 filter. Yes, really.
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: July 2023
Latest news (4/10/23): Possible prototype. Behringer says, "It’s alive!!! We’re getting close to finishing our BX700, a really cool Groove Box. It’s a DX7 on steroids as it has an authentic CS-80 analog filter, a built-in drum machine, a B-Ray and many other cool features."
CS Mini

What is it? A tiny CS-80.
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: March 2022
Latest news (28/9/23): This does indeed look pretty cool, like a Korg Volca but in Yamaha CS-80 form, and it looks like it might be at prototype stage. Behringer says, "Very exciting. We’re about to fire up the first CS MINI synth prototype. It’s modelled after the famous CS80 and carries the exact same analog voice. It includes polyphony, patch memory and much more."
CZ-1 Mini

What is it? Casio CZ-1 clone (or mini version)
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: May 2023
Latest news (4/5/23): Another product not even on the drawing board yet. Behringer says, "As we’re rolling out our amazing Mini and Micro synths, we have also drafted a CZ-1 Mini which is modeled after one of the most sought after Casio CZ-1. This was a highly revolutionary synth as it used unique Phase Distortion synthesis. Would you be interested in a CZ-1 Mini?"

What is it? Yamaha CS-80 clone
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: July 2020
Latest news (28/4/22): One of the most anticipated Behringer products because it is a CS-80 clone. This is what the company said on Instagram in April 2022: "We have some exciting update on the DS-80 development. Our lead engineer John Price spent nearly two years recreating the magical CS-80 voice board and transform it into a modern design, while retaining the authentic behaviour or the original circuitry. This board is now ready to be tested. We have completed the voice “bread board”, which is the final step before moving to the actual design of the synthesizer. This board serves as test and evaluation platform to compare its performance with the original voice board.
"As you can see, the board contains two voices, and also the digital control section, plus VR’s that represent the temporary front panel controls. Because this is one of the most complex synthesizer ever designed, we’re still a long way from delivering a final product, but we hope you’ll find this interesting. Wish us luck with this challenging project:-)"

What is it? Buchla Easel clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: April 2022
Latest news (20/7/23): Prototype ready but still a way off. Behringer says, "We're excited to share with you the progress of the Enigma. We have now completed the assembly of our prototype and will start troubleshooting the unit while developing the software. We're still a long way from shipping the unit, but we simply want to share our joy with this iconic synth."
Groove Keys

What is it? Original groovebox
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: December 2022
Latest news (19/12/22): Not much beyond the initial announcement of: "The ultimate Groove Machine. We’re super excited to have completed the first working prototype called Groove Keys. The casing is still 3D printed but all functions are already working. Groove Keys comes with very cool features such as:
- 4-Channel Sequencer
- Dedicated Drum Sequencer
- Internal Polyphonic Sound Engines
- Tons of I/Os and CVs
"We don’t have a delivery date or price yet, but as always it’ll be very affordable. While we’re still waiting for chips, our many engineering teams are working on close to 100 exciting products to come."

What is it? Analogue Groovebox
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 2022
Latest news (4/3/22): Not much beyond the original Facebook post which was: "In 2019, Hiroaki Nishijima, the legendary synthesizer engineer, who designed the famous Korg MS-20, joined us in our mission to create amazing synthesizers everyone can afford. Hiroaki is watching this space, so please send him some love:-)
Listen to Hiroaki himself:
"The 'Hirotribe' is one of the analog synthesizers I always wanted to achieve. 'Hiro' of 'Hirotribe' was taken from my first name ‘Hiroaki'. I designed and developed the 'Korg Monotribe', but I really wanted to make an evolved version of it. Fortunately, Uli Behringer kindly agreed to my proposal."

What is it? Eurorack Roland Jupiter-8
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: Feb 2023
Latest news (21/2/23): Nothing added to the tease from a year ago when Behringer said, "While we’re currently working on a full key version of the Jupiter, here is a new prototype in a smaller and more affordable Eurorack package. It features an authentic Jupiter voice based on the same VCOs and VCFs, plus an autotune and arpeggiator function."

What is it? LinnDrum clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: July 19
Latest news (22/9/23): One of Behringer's longest running projects, this drum machine was apparently ready to go (finally) in May 22 when Behringer said, "our final prototype is ready for testing." However the most recent update last July just adds: "We’re getting there:-)".
What is it? Moog Memory Moog clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: Oct 23
Latest news (7/10/23): Another 'might do' product after Behringer reached out to gauge a response in October: "Over the years, many of you asked us to remake the highly sought after Memory Moog. However, rather than replicating an outdated user interface, we’d like to ask you what improvements you like to see? Just to be clear, we’re not promising to make this synth, but since one of our synth engineering teams is finishing up a product, there is an opportunity to select the next project."
Model D Soul

What is it? Moog Minimoog, but smaller
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: March 22
Latest news (6/3/22): Not much beyond the initial Facebook post of: "The Model D Soul synthesizer is based on the authentic MiniMoog circuitry. Now you can enjoy the famous sound, but in a portable and affordable package. The Model D Soul is fully completed and ready for production. Once we’ll receive the chips, this synth will be on the way to you."

What is it? Roland SH-5 clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: July 21
Latest news (15/3/23): Another product with a long gestation, MS-5 looked like it was ready for testing close to a year ago after being announced two years before that. The last update is from last March: "MS-5 is coming. We’re super excited having finalized another blast from the past. This beautiful synth is now going to the beta testers for final review and then straight into manufacturing."

What is it? Roland Juno 6/60 clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 23
Latest news (10/3/23): A lot of excitement about this one, but not a lot of news beyond the initial announcement, although for that there was a 'fully-working' prototype."So, for years you guys have been urging us to build one of the most sought after synth. We managed to resist for a long time, but we finally gave in;-)
"Here is the fully working prototype of our Neptune-80, an 8-voice polyphonic synth with original analog matrix, BBD chorus and modern user interface such as LCD Display, USB/Midi etc. We modelled it after the best sounding 6/60 version and we absolutely love the sound. Our product engineer Ben (a synth fanatic himself) couldn’t stop playing the Neptune, but we luckily managed to pull it out of his hands and get it in front of our camera. Sorry Ben:-)."

What is it? A Korg PolySix plus 2
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: April 21
Latest news (7/4/23): Another exciting announcement, but getting on for a year for an update. The last one said: "And the PolyEight is getting ready. This is one beautiful sounding synth."

What is it? Moog Source
Expected price: $400
First mentioned: July 23
Latest news (7/4/23): Quite a recent announcement so as you'd expect, not a lot to add to the initial buzz but Behringer has added, "PolySource Update. Thanks for all the valuable feedback. We have taken many of your suggestions to heart and like to present our new iteration."

What is it? Polyvoks clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: July 21
Latest news (25/8/23): The synth is in prototype stage. Behringer said last August: "Two years ago Vladimir Kuzmin and Behringer entered into a collaboration to develop a new Polivoks synthesizer. Here is the latest prototype, which is now undergoing thorough testing and hopefully the approval of Vladimir."

What is it? Souped up Prophet-5 (from five to 16 voices)
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: March 20
Latest news (17/4/23): Another classic getting the Behringer treatment, this time an additional 11 voices over the original. It sounds like the prototype is working but this update is getting on for a year old: "PRO-16 version B is coming to life. While this is still in development, we’re getting closer. Hope you’re excited, too."

What is it? Expanded Neutron (so an original Behringer synth)
Expected price: $299
First mentioned: March 22
Latest news (2/6/23): The Neutron is a cool module and makes you wonder why Behringer doesn't do more of its own synths. Well, here's another and it sounds imminent: "Proton is now fully approved and ready for production. We’re super excited as this is one of the most powerful and complex analog synthesizers ever packed into a Eurorack casing."

What is it? MIDI controller
Expected price: $129
First mentioned: April 22
Latest news (26/4/23): We take a brief break from the synths and the drum machines for a bit of Behringer control: "We built a cool little Midi controller QT32 with 127 MIDI sounds and drum sets included as well as CV out. It’s still a prototype but we’ll build it if you’re interested."

What is it? Drum sequencer
Expected price: $179
First mentioned: Nov 20
Latest news (6/3/23): Another product long in the design studio, but it could be close to completion. Mind you, this is from a year ago… "We’ve just finished the testing of the RS-9. It’s a fantastic Eurorack drum sequencer based on the RD-9 and can trigger up to 10 instruments. It’s the perfect companion for the Brains with all its percussive instruments. We’re currently checking the availability of all components so we can move it into production."
Saturn Soul

What is it? Single voice Jupiter-8
Expected price: $99
First mentioned: Feb 22
Latest news (6/3/23): Another product with little news beyond the initial Facebook post: "Many of you shared with us how much you love the amazing sound of this magic synth. While we’re also working on a full size synthesizer, here is our affordable mini version with the authentic circuitry and sound, but accessible to everyone. The product development is completed and once we receive the necessary chips, we’ll ship this marvel."

What is it? Inspired by Moog’s Subharmonicon
Expected price: $249
First mentioned: May 2023
Latest news (29/5/23): "Many of you asked for some SPICE in your life. He hear you. SPICE comes with full MIDI/USB implementation. The unit is currently undergoing final beta testing and hopefully will go into production soon."
Syncussion SY-1

What is it? Pearl Syncussion SY-1 clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: August 2021
Latest news (January 2022): Another one long in development, there's not been much news beyond the last update in January 2022: "The awesome Syncussion is now getting ready for production. It took us three revisions to nail the sound – but now it’s there. We also secured the chips for this product so we should be fine. We’re sorry that shipping products is taking much longer than expected, but the chip shortages are very challenging and the way it looks, 2022 won’t see much improvement. Be assured we’re working really hard to get your products delivered as quickly as we possibly can. Thanks for your amazing support."
UB-1 Spirit

What is it? Inspired by an Oberheim Matrix
Expected price: $49
First mentioned: March 22
Latest news (2/3/22): Another product with little news beyond the initial Facebook post: "Introducing the UB-1, a Portable Analog Synthesizer with 2 Analog Oscillators, Classic VCF and Arpeggiator. Uli passionately believes in empowering everyone by providing access to great sounding musical instruments, especially for kids, so they can start a lifelong love affair with electronic music and sound synthesis. The UB-1 synthesizer is fully developed and once we receive the chips, we’ll be shipping this marvel your way. Don’t be fooled by the size - this is a monster synth in a small package."

What is it? Oberheim OB-X clone
Expected price: $1100
First mentioned: 2017
Latest news (now!): The fruition of one of the longest developments of a Behringer synth appears to be imminent. Dealers are saying it's weeks away. Behringer officially launched it in November. There's a desktop option too.

What is it? VCS3 clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: June 2019
Latest news (18/10/23): Another one that's been long on the test bench, but it sounds like we're pretty close now… "We’re now shipping units to our beta testers for final testing and comparison with the original synthesizer. Once passed, we will start manufacturing."

What is it? PPG Wave clone
Expected price: $TBA
First mentioned: August 2020
Latest news (14/12/23): After many updates promising final prototypes, the latest in December was rather vague: "Wave Update. We are currently collaborating closely with our Beta Testers to ensure that our synth recreations perfectly match the originals."
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