Fancy running your own farm? The applicants in reality contest, Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker, would love to.
But to secure a 10-year tenancy on beautiful Gallows Hill Farm, nestled within the National Trust’s Wallington estate in Northumberland and comprising 137 hectares of land and a Grade II-listed farmhouse, they must first showcase their credentials by taking on various challenges there, starting with preparations for lambing season.
What To Watch caught up with presenter Matt whose off-screen life as a farmer is charted in the popular More4 series Our Farm in the Dales, to find out how they plan to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Here is everything we know about Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker...
Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker release date
Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker started on Channel 4 on Saturday, April 6. It has now ended but episodes are available on demand via the Channel 4 website.
Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker interview
A farm tenancy is the prize at the end of this eight-part series. Where did that idea come from?
Matt: "I wanted to shine a light on the tenant farming system, as there are so many people who want to farm, but can’t afford to buy their own farms."
How does the competition work?
"It’s like a very practical job interview where the farm owners, the National Trust, get to see how suited the applicants are for the 10-year tenancy. The prize is the opportunity to farm this land, but the winners have to pay rent. So a good business plan is important!"
Could you tell us about some of the tasks the hopefuls undertake?
"We bring in a flock of ewes that were ready to lamb. The applicants also have to prepare for the release of beavers on the land, as well as analyzing the soil and buying cows from a livestock auction."
What sort of people are competing?
"One young couple had sold their house before the selection process started, so they were all in, 100%! There’s also a 22-year-old lad who grew up on the estate, a couple who are wildlife experts and a local auctioneer, as well as a vet and a farm consultant."
Are we talking BBC1’s The Apprentice with wellies and sheep?
"It is a bit like The Apprentice because these are real people with real [business] ideas that have to be viable. So it’s definitely more that than Strictly Come Farming!"
Does it have the cut-throat competition element of other reality shows?
"There was no infighting, but it was really emotional because they are putting their lives on the line. All their hopes and dreams are poured into this."
How involved are you in farming on a day-to-day basis?
"I’ve never left the family farm, but the general public sees me sitting on The One Show sofa and thinks, ‘Oh, now you live in a town.’ But I’ve only ever lived six months of my life without a flock of sheep!"
With your farming knowledge, was it hard not to get stuck in to help the competitors?
"We are a community, us farmers, and we help each other, so I couldn’t not get involved!"

Would you like your teenage children, son Luke and daughter Molly, to follow the family tradition and work in farming?
"Lots of people enjoyed watching the kids in Our Farm in the Dales. If they decide to go for it, great. But whatever they do, as long as they’re passionate and give it their all, I’ll back them 100%!"

Has there been a natural progression to your varied TV career?
"I did BBC1’s Countryfile because of my background and passions, and Strictly Come Dancing came along off the back of Countryfile. And because of Blue Peter – the live element and the interviews – it was a natural progression for me to zip into The One Show!"
Your CV also includes being a former gymnast. Do you enjoy having lots of strings to your bow?
"It makes me laugh when people ask, ‘Why is the guy from Countryfile commentating on gymnastics?’! But yes, I love the eclectic mix of things I do and have done."
Who won Our Dream Farm with Matt Baker?
Adam and Jenny Grieve are the proud winners of Our Dream Farm, and have secured themselves a 10-year tenancy on a 340-acre farm on the Wallington Estate.
Livestock auctioneer Adam entered into the process on his own, as his wife Jenny was working and looking after their young family. But he managed to impress during his time on the show and the couple have secured the win!