The Cincinnati Bengals’ biggest signing of the offseason, Orlando Brown Jr., has been adjusting well to Cincinnati and has been able to learn from one of the best Bengals linemen there has been.
Geoff Hobson of Bengals.com reported that Brown got the chance to talk with Pro Football Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz, who told him consistency is one of the most important things when it comes to having success as an offensive lineman in Cincinnati.
“I’m looking for his mindset and approach and he said he went into every training camp like he had to make the team,” Brown said. “He’s the best to ever do it and he went into it like that. It makes you think. And I had a lot more questions I didn’t get to.”
Brown said he enjoyed being able to talk to someone who played the same position and said he hopes he can get lunch with Munoz in a few weeks.