Authorities in Oregon are hopeful that a newly offered $2,000 reward will help them identify and prosecute the person or persons responsible for harassing and killing deer with pellet guns.
Five black-tailed deer carcasses have been discovered so far this month in Roseburg, according to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. At least one deer died after a pellet became lodged in its lung.
“It was a nice, forked horn buck that ended up dying next to a resident’s barn,” said Jason Stone, an Oregon State Police/Fish & Wildlife senior trooper. “The pellet broke a rib and clipped its lung, which caused it to hemorrhage. Both lungs then filled with blood.”
The carcasses were discovered in the Meadows neighborhood. Troopers who canvassed the neighborhood were told that some residents use pellet guns to haze deer away from their gardens.
Said Stone: “People think that pellet guns won’t hurt deer, but if the pellet lodges in the right place, it can be lethal. Regardless of if they intend to harass or haze animals, if they kill the animal, it is still an unlawful take and we don’t want to see that continue.”
Several of the carcasses had decomposed in hot weather, making it difficult for authorities to determine the cause of death.
The reward was put up by the Oregon Hunters Association. A tip that leads to an arrest or citation in any of the incidents can earn the provider $2,000 or preference points toward state-sanctioned hunts.
Said the OHA’s Kelly Forney: “The wanton shooting of deer in this busy neighborhood is a serious offense that should be punished. A significant TIP reward will encourage those that know about this crime to come forward.”
Those offering tips via the Turn in Poachers line can remain anonymous.
–Black-tailed deer image courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service