Hear ye, hear ye, a town from an insular island principality off the coast of Spain is feuding with an exiled princess over their coat of arms. No, this is not a headline sung by your local 11th-century bard, but the honest-to-god story that multiple newspapers splashed on today.
The British press, like clockwork, is slavering over the opportunity to label Meghan Markle’s lifestyle re-brand as positively disastrous. Her crime this time? The new heraldic crest style logo for As Ever, formerly known as American Riviera Orchard, faintly resembles the crest of the medieval town of Porres in Majorca. In so much that involves trees and birds, two very commonly used symbols in this historic branding practice of the nobility.
Hummingbirds for Meghan (in honour of Prince Harry’s spiritual connection to the birds as a symbol of his late grandmother) flanking a palm tree as a symbol of their love and California location. A palm tree for Porres, because they also have a subtropical climate there, and swallows – or pigeons (even local historians can’t decide) – because they’re also a native species.
Never mind that the office of the Spanish Cronista de Armas was abolished in 1951, and heraldic crests cannot be copyrighted. What if the knights of Porres get confused on the battlefield or at the tourney when facing the Sussex knights? What if someone looking to purchase jams from a duchess mistakenly books flights to an island in the Med?
It’s beyond parody at this point. Even if the Mayor of Porres does find a lawyer willing to sue As Ever, it smacks of the kind of press-courting, headline-generating coverage that their tourism board could only dream of. It’s embarrassing that such minor municipal attention-seeking become front page news when the geopolitical situation is about to explode.
Dunking on Meghan is the kind of puerile activity that Donald Trump gets up to
Certain elements in public life seem determined to act like a concerningly unstable, verging on stalker-ish ex. Not content with driving Meghan out of the country with common-or-garden racist bullying, royal-watching columnists are now engaging in the printed press equivalent of stumbling around the streets shrieking “she’s turned the weans against us”.
Dunking on Meghan is the kind of puerile activity that Donald Trump gets up to when he’s not having his lackeys tear the copper wiring out of the American state. Could we not at least pretend to be above this?
Meghan has, of course, earned this ire by continuing to upset everyone purely by existing and keeping her Instagram comments turned off. First by postponing her Netflix cooking show out of respect for the LA wildfires (disgraceful!) and being spotted doing low key relief effort work (churlish!), then by supporting Harry’s latest edition of the Invictus Games supporting injured veterans in Canada (selfish!). Not much material here to frame her as an evil Prince-stealing scheming harlot, hence the heraldic scraping of the bottle of the barrel.
Frustratingly, even for Meghan stans such as myself, there are some real questions to be asked about the As Ever rebrand. Firstly, it’s a bit of a headscratcher that her team sign off on American Riviera Orchard when it would prove so tricky to patent unless she was committed to only ever selling products sourced from her local area.
The new name is also pretty bland, and invites more criticism because there is already an As Ever NYC, a small vintage fashion company run by a couple on the East Coast.
Even though the logo is different, American Riviera Orchard also traded on this kitschy romantic vision of Englishness and aristocracy. Instead of a coat of arms, it had a monogram of interlocking initials that looked awfully like a royal cypher. She and Harry had formerly hoped they could simply update the British Monarchy with a nice modern rebrand, but look how well that went down.
Still, Meghan seems determined to remain connected to the questionable institution that she rejected as it rejected her. Even on the other side of the ocean, she is still assisting in the project of applying a rosy haze of palatable jam-on-scones nostalgia over the British Empire’s redoubtable legacy.
As Ever looks like it will be selling branded napkins, throw blankets and gardening tools – the kind of stock to thrill your nan on a trip through a National Trust gift shop. You can practically hear the editors praying to the clickbait gods for someone to contract botulism from a poorly sealed jar, or to poke their eye out with an un ergonomically designed set of pruning shears.
All that is still to look forward to. It’s been almost a year since the venture was announced, and still none of us peasantry have been able to get our hands on any Meghan merch. I’d settle for a nice cotton hanky, all the better to stuff in my ears so I can disassociate peacefully once the haters start honking over With Love, Meghan, come March.
India Block is a lifestyle and culture writer