There's no better way to get your brain whirring away for the week ahead than kicking back with a good puzzle and a tricky new brainteaser should get you hopping into the right frame of mind in no time.
The puzzle in question depicts a peaceful scene of what appears to be a park or spacious back garden, filled with people sunbathing, relaxing, and playing on a swing set.
There are however a surprising number of little green visitors hopping about the scene, and they won't all immediately be visible- at first glance.
Keen puzzlers are asked to spot a total of ten frogs hidden in the serene pic, and you'll naturally need to use all your powers of observation to complete the challenge.
To give it a go for yourself, take a look at the following picture:

Did you manage to spot the ten playful frogs? Don't worry if not, and remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to puzzling.
This brainteaser, created by Hiatt Hardware, presents a particularly difficult challenge, given the number of frogs you're expected to pick out. Usually, puzzlers will be asked to find just one object, arguably making this one ten times more difficult.
On top of this, the fact that the frogs are green in colour means they blend in very easily with the lush green background.
If you didn't manage it straight away, then try separating the pic into sections, scouring each one at a time for tell-tale clues. Once you spot one frog, that should help you look out for traces of the same shade or shape.
When you're ready to move on and check your answers, take a look at the same picture again, this time with the frogs circled:

As you can see, the ten frogs are dotted all about the place, from the top of a parasol to a picnic table. If you've managed to spot all ten of them, then you've likely got the eyes of an eagle.
Of course, the more puzzles you try, the sharper your brain will inevitably become. bIf you fancy trying your hand at another observation-based brainteaser, then why not have a crack at this fun woodland carnival scene - which shows one lone carrot hidden amid the lively goings on.
Much like this frog puzzle, only those with sharp eyes and keen observation skills will be able to clock the solitary carrot in five seconds or less.
Do you have a puzzle to share? Email us at