Leading a company is no easy feat, requiring tough decision-making and a hefty dose of responsibility. Brian Kelly, also known as ThePointsGuy, joined TheStreet to discuss his best leadership tips as well as the art of making tough decisions.
Full Video Transcript Below:
J.D. DURKIN: What's one thing you should be keeping in mind every day? Something to be mindful of. If you're a leader of a company, you think?
BRIAN KELLY: I think especially after the pandemic return to office, it's have a little bit of compassion. You never know what someone's going through, especially when you're not getting a lot of face to face to face time. So, you know, it can be easy to make judgments on someone's performance. But I would encourage that every leader to take that extra little bit of time to really sit down and hear what your employees are going through. Investing that time in that personal relationship, I think can save everyone a lot of stress and attrition for your company. When people feel like they're truly being listened to, even if compensation isn't great, even if they don't quite see the vision. But if you feel heard and listened to by your leadership, that goes a long way.
J.D. DURKIN: How have you tried to go about making tough decisions in your role as a leader?
BRIAN KELLY: You know, tough decisions are part of are part of it. I mean, I think pulling together, you know, your management team and trusting them and listening to, frankly, what's going on in their world and not trying to be the jack of all trades. You know, for me, it was challenging being our spokesperson for so many years, kind of being in front of the camera and then the producer behind the camera. You know, I think a lot of leaders need to admit you're not a superhero. You can't do it all. And I think just listening to your directs and their employees and kind of building consensus before any tough decision.