Prey was released in 2017 to some lukewarm review scores, but overall, it had a pretty fantastic reception, with many praising it as an underrated masterpiece. But only one fan took their love of the game to the next level, counting down the days until a possible sequel was announced.
The Twitter account Has Prey 2 Been Announced Yet? spent the better part of seven years (2,556 days) tweeting whether or not anyone had heard anything about Prey 2. Almost all the tweets tragically read "no." Even so, there was still hope that, someday, there would be a "yes" to celebrate, but thanks to the recent news of Arkane Austin's closure, this dream has come to an end.
The last tweet posted read, "It's over. (Day 2,559)." Since then, the account has retweeted sad reactions to the news, as well as a message from a fellow dedicated Prey hopeful: "You deserved so, so much more. Sincerely hope everyone can land back on their feet and get back to making awesome stuff that you're passionate about."
Microsoft announced the decision to close multiple studios last Tuesday, including Arkane Austin (Dishonoured, Deathloop, and Prey) and Tango Gameworks, best known for The Evil Within games and recently Hi-Fi Rush. Other studio closures include Alpha Dog Games, while Roundhouse Studios will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios.
We've seen numerous reactions to this news over the last couple of days, from many players condemning Microsoft's seemingly bold-faced double standards when it came to applauding the likes of Hi-Fi Rush after Aaron Greenberg, the VP at Xbox games marketing, tweeted it was "a breakout hit for us and our players in all key measurements and expectations" last year, adding that they "couldn't be happier with what the team at Tango Gameworks delivered with this surprise release."
It's sad to see any studio shut down, but these closures have hit particularly hard due to how great these studios' games were—the stumbles of Redfall aside. And while Prey wasn't considered a commercial success, which is probably why we never heard news of a sequel, it is still worth checking out, especially now, considering you get it for 80% off right now.