A Nottinghamshire primary school listed among the 100 worst performing in the UK has been taken over by a multi-academy trust to improve its performance. Brierley Forest Primary and Nursery School in Sutton-in-Ashfield is one of two Nottinghamshire primaries among the worst-performing nationally, according to Ofsted.
The school was visited by education inspectors in November 2021, and its findings were published in January 2022, rating the school 'inadequate'. The school's headteacher was 'disappointed' with the findings, and the published report states that some 'do not feel safe' at the school.
Living near the school has caused concern for local residents in terms of parking, among other issues. To turn around the school's performance, a multi-academy trust has taken over the running of Brierley Forest.
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Transform Trust has around 20 schools under its remit, which aims to use practices in place at better-performing schools in schools that are not performing well enough. And the CEO of Transform Trust is confident the trust's track record can do just that for Brierley Forest.
Rebecca Meredith said: "We are truly delighted that Brierley Forest Primary & Nursery School is joining the Transform Trust family. Whilst there are challenges at all schools, after vigorous due diligence and a really positive meeting with staff and Brierley parents and carers, we know at this school there is a real desire and appetite to change for the better.
"We want to reassure everyone concerned that we share this desire and will be accountable for the next chapter at Brierley - and from the moment Transform was chosen as the school's trust, we haven’t wasted a minute in putting our improvement plans into action. Throughout this term Transform's leadership, curriculum and safeguarding teams audited all areas and put support in place where necessary.
"Safeguarding policies, processes and reporting were found to be clear with evidence that teachers know their children well and the policies can now be found on their website. Encouragingly, school leaders have accurately identified priorities and are working collaboratively with the Trust to bring about swift and sustainable change.
"Our executive head Matt Lawrence, who has been instrumental in turning around a trust school in Derby with a similar history, is spending three days a week supporting and developing school leaders and improving teaching and learning across school. We are working with subject leaders to further develop the curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of all learners and have already seen how the implementation of Read Write Inc last September has raised standards in reading and writing.
"There has also been the introduction of a teacher exchange programme across schools to share best practice and ideas. We are working with the LA (local authority) to support EYFS and English in the short term.
"We have a proven track record that with passion, commitment, knowledge, experience, leadership and ongoing hard work, all schools can become exemplary beacons for quality education and provide better life chances for its children and we look forward to being part of Brierley Forest Primary & Nursery School improvement journey and rise to success."

Transform Trust has improved the fortunes of a number of under-performing schools across the region, including Robert Shaw Primary, which has gone from 'requires improvement' to 'outstanding', and Whitegate Primary, going from special measures to 'good', as examples. Nottinghamshire County Council has been keeping a close eye on Brierley Forest's performance since the latest Ofsted inspection, and is happy the trust is taking over.
Marion Clay, Nottinghamshire County Council’s service director for education, learning and skills, said: "Following the Ofsted inspection, the local authority worked very closely with the school to ensure improvements were being made as a matter of urgency. The Regional Schools Commissioner has now identified Transform Trust which is a multi-academy trust as the sponsor; already the trust is supporting the leadership of the school to address the concerns raised by Ofsted.
"This trust has a proven track record of turning schools around. I am confident that the learning experience for all the children attending Brierley Forest Primary & Nursery School will rapidly improve."