Asda Mobile customers are about to face a price hike of at least 150% as the cost of living crisis deepens.
The price rise will affect pay-as-you-go users and customers who pay monthly for a bundle, and who go over their limit.
The increase will see mobile customers being charged more from September 26.
Calls will cost 15p per minute, texts will cost 10p each and data will be 10p per MB.
This is up from the current price of 4p per minute, text or MB.
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The only cost reduction will be that it is now free to call voicemail, which is currently 4p per minute.
Changes have also been made to the cost of using the phone in Europe with the higher rates also applying there.
In addition, for bundle customers, only 5GB of data can now be used for free when roaming in Europe, regardless of your allowance.
Use more than that and you’ll be charged the out-of-bundle rate above.
Asda Mobile had previously been considered one of the cheapest providers by MoneySavingExpert.
There are ways to get around the price hikes depending on how you use your mobile.
If you mainly use your phone for calls and texts, Asda Mobile bundles may be a good option to lower your bill.
One bundle currently offers unlimited calls and texts with zero data for £4 a month.
However, if you're not fussed about staying with Asda Mobile, you can get unlimited calls and texts (with zero data) for cheaper elsewhere.
You can get this deal by paying £3 a month on 1p Mobile, which piggybacks off EE.

For someone who regularly uses their phone and needs data, you might want to consider switching to another provider.
For example, Lebara offers a SIM-only deal with 1GB of data, 300 minutes and unlimited texts for £3.90 a month.
Customers who choose to leave Asda Mobile because of the hikes can do so penalty-free.
If you’re a non-bundle user, you can claim a refund on any outstanding credit by completing this online form or by calling Asda Mobile customer services free on 2732 from your mobile or 0808 006 2732 from any other phone.
You must do this before October 26 to make sure you get your money back.