Don't be led into believing getting old is bad, and there's always good things to come - we love Joanna Lumley's approach to ageing, as she shares her words to live by.
Joanna Lumley isn't just an acting legend, she's also the poster woman for positive ageing and embracing your advancing years. It's hard to tell the star is is 78-years-old, and her age is something that viewers simply don't think about when watching her exuberant performances - and maybe because she has absolutely zero cares to give about how old she is, nobody else does either.
Out the other side of perimenopause and menopause, Joanna remains in peak health and won't be slowing down anytime soon. In the midst of being a keen activist, charity patron and an adoring mother and grandmother, she’s also been keen to implore others not to fear getting old.
Speaking about the process as the blessing it is, Joanna says, "I always knew that good stuff would come along when I was older. So when I was 18, I longed to be 30; when I was 30, I longed to be 50. I’ve always looked forward to my next birthday. We mustn’t be led into thinking getting old is bad. Growing old is good."
One of the best things the star finds about each passing year, is feeling calmer and more in control. In conversation with Platinum Mag, she recalls feeling easily disconcerted during her younger years, but now only feels a steady tranquility.
"I used to panic and get rattled when I was young, but as I’ve got older, I’ve started literally to live day to day. With age, you work out what matters," she explains.

When you're a child, you often look forward to the freedom of becoming an adult. But we all know once you reach adulthood, freedoms can be few and far between, with constant mental loads to carry revolving around mortgages, families, children and beyond.
Joanna describes a real feeling of freedom finally arriving once you're older - and she makes it sound hilariously perfect. "I’ve got lots of good friends, I could have affairs. I can read a book all night, put the cat on the end of the bed or I can pick up my passport and go to France. I don’t have to ask anybody," she says, candidly.
The actress points out how life can be filled with so many fears, and doesn't diminish that - there are plenty of very present and real fears in the lives of many. That's why she doesn't want the the trepidation of ageing to be an extra burden when it doesn't need to be.
"A lot of us are ruled by fear during our lives," she asserts, continuing, "Afraid we’ll get burgled, afraid a dog will bite us, afraid we’ll get fat, afraid someone will leave us. Once you lose fear, life becomes sweeter, and that happens as you get older. I’m sure by the time I’m 80, I’ll be able to do absolutely anything!"
"Once you lose fear, life becomes sweeter, and that happens as you get older"
Joanna Lumley
"You only have one go at life, which is thrilling," Joanna urges, wanting everyone to make the most of the years they're given on the planet, avoiding weighing themselves down with things out of their control - including the years rolling by.
Interestingly, the star was worried that when she became a grandparent, she might not feel the same way about children she hadn't given birth to. However, these fears quickly passed, as she reveals adoring her role as a grandmother. "I did wonder if I would have to ‘pretend’ with my grandchildren. But my heart was taken on day one," she says, sweetly.
Joanna's words are certainly ones to live by - as real and refreshing as you'd imagine the actress to be if you sat down and had a real conversation with her. The next time you worry about a birthday or a new wrinkle, be more Joanna - it's definitely something we'll be trying.