AVT Question: Please share insight and best practices for ensuring meeting equity for all employees and how to deliver the best collaboration experience regardless of location.
Thought Leader: Remi Del Mar, Senior Product Manager, Digital Experiences at Epson
The workplace is evolving. As companies and managers maintain hybrid work models and work-from-home is the norm, the ways in which employees interact is transforming. This transformation calls for an equity of connection between remote and physical attendees while balancing shared content and collaboration tools in a meaningful way.
It is important for employers to invest in the right tools to ensure employees are set up for success, whether they are joining meetings from home or in the office." —Remi Del Mar, Senior Product Manager, Digital Experiences at Epson
The Microsoft Teams Front Row feature has been optimized to create equal viewing in presentations by placing the gallery of attendees at eye level and content at the center, with collaboration tools visible for better communication. This is all in an ultra-wide digital canvas with a 21:9 aspect ratio. This specific optimization has played a crucial role in setting projection technology and its flexibility apart from other display solutions, and advancements to projection technology are being integrated to help make this setup more accessible.
With the rise of the virtual office, we are seeing many new technologies, devices, and third-party meeting apps come to the market. It is important for employers to invest in the right tools to ensure employees are set up for success, whether they are joining meetings from home or in the office. With this, projection technology has become more advanced and easier to use, allowing companies to display their conference rooms in real-time at large ratios. Although face-to-face interaction is not always possible, technology allows employees to feel included and encourages seamless collaboration across teams no matter where they are located.