AVT Question: Please share insight into how your company supports AV/IT managers in creating a successful experience.
Thought Leader: Paul Beals, Sales Engineer, Northeast at Atlona
We will always support the end customer in the most practical way possible. Sometimes, there are circumstances that prevent us from speaking directly to the end user. In those cases, we take extra care to make sure that the dealer or integrator working directly with the end user has a complete understanding of what Atlona’s technology will bring to their facilities. We find that it’s more productive when we can accompany the partner. This allows us to gather input from the installers as well as the end users and/or technology managers who will operate and maintain the systems.
Sometimes, there are circumstances that prevent us from speaking directly to the end user. In those cases, we take extra care to make sure that the dealer or integrator working directly with the end user has a complete understanding of what Atlona’s technology will bring to their facilities." —Paul Beals, Sales Engineer, Northeast at Atlona
We start with the basic questions of what purpose each room will serve, and who the true end users of the installed equipment will be. This helps us determine the comfort level that users will have with technology, so we can make decisions that will appeal to the environment. For example, the presence of an on-site technology manager means that we can design a more interesting system to serve more applications. That is particularly beneficial if the design is for a multi-purpose space. Then there are the more granular elements to consider, including potential sightline intrusions and room oddities that can affect the user experience. We also need to understand if people with visual or hearing impairments will use the space.
Once the design is complete, we consider what training services, if any, are required based on the complexity of the system. A multi-camera system that integrates a wealth of third-party equipment may require more training services, and may require that the installer partners with a programmer to ensure that everything works together. Post-installation, we assist with adjustments or add-ons if and as required, based on user feedback. Ultimately, we all want to make sure that the end user’s experience is as good as possible.
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