AVT Question: Please share your insight into trends that will play a role in hybrid workplace culture, space planning, and technologies in 2024.
Thought Leader: John Henkel, Director of Product Marketing at NETGEAR
With many people working partly from home and sometimes in the office, organizations are shifting away from big boardroom-type investments to ensuring that every meeting room is fully equipped for both in-person and remote participants.
At the very least, this means superior-quality microphones, speakers, and cameras, and while it is yet to be a seamless experience in many cases, it is evolving fast.
Enhancing virtual collaboration will help remote workers feel more connected to their colleagues, and this needs to be in tandem with supporting a better work-life balance and mental health." —John Henkel, Director of Product Marketing at NETGEAR
At the same time, companies are investing in improving their on-premise network experience, especially since their employees have become used to high-quality connectivity at home. Slow or patchy connections are no longer tolerable.
The demand for a faster-connected experience extends to employees on the move. It does not matter what type of network people use, but it must be fast and reliable.
Looking ahead, companies will likely start providing employees with even better at-home work technology, which will become another differentiator to retain and attract talent.
In addition, enhancing virtual collaboration will help remote workers feel more connected to their colleagues, and this needs to be in tandem with supporting a better work-life balance and mental health. In particular, Gen Z is coming into the workplace without the benefit of years of social interaction in the office and needs help developing those skills, otherwise they may become isolated. Likewise, more mature workers also require support. Otherwise, we could see another wave of the Great Resignation.