Page Six
Rolling Stone
Jann Wenner
Like A Rolling Stone
Barack Obama
John Lennon
Jennifer Aniston
‘s burgeoning romance way back in 2005. Friends, the call was coming from the house.
Per , the spicy tea comes from co-founder whose memoir, is out on September 13. It’s absolutely filled to the brim with all the celeb encounters and interactions he’s had over the years — something you’d expect from a man who’s interviewed everyone from to .
But it seems the infamous beach photo incident that rocked the pop culture world is among the juiciest goss in the upcoming memoir. Why? Because it was Jolie who tipped the paps off in the first place.
The photo shows Jolie and Pitt together on a beach with their adopted son in April 2005, mere months after Pitt and had publicly announced they were getting divorced after seven years.
The timeline was a bit hazy between Pitt splitting with Aniston in January and then being spotted doing happy-clappy family stuff with Jolie three months later, shortly after they filmed together. It was rumoured that Jolie and Pitt shacked up while he was still married to Aniston. The .
This all happened when Wenner was briefly the owner of , who were the ones to publish the exclusive images of the ’00s version of a hard launch.
The mag got a tip that Jolie and Pitt were staying at a resort off the coast of Africa while rumours were swirling about their off-screen couple status.
A photographer was told pretty much their exact coordinates — where they were staying, when they took their daily walk and apparently a suggestion about when they could be snapped “secretly”.
“We got the photo, we got the proof,” Wenner wrote.
“We had the worldwide scoop, the debut of Brangelina.
“The tipster was Angelina.”
Ange you sneaky binch, you knew what you were doing. And backing it up a decade later with ? You knew what you were doing.
Mr & Mrs Smith hotly SPICE Us Weekly By The Sea definitely@russell_kane The very 1st photo of #Brangelina together was taken outside my beach house in Kenya. The paparazzo rented one of our cottages pic.twitter.com/NNdDZ5XchN
— Sharon Forbes (@BlondeMzungu) September 20, 2016
The post OMG: We Finally Know Who Tipped Off Paps About Brangelina’s Infamous 2005 Beach Affair Pics appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .