Most of us have heard the same old “truisms” repeated over and over again throughout our lives, but ultimately, only life experience can actually teach us how things really work. You can’t replicate it, you can’t “learn” it, the only way to get it is just to live and keep on living. But through the magic of the internet, we can at least pick some older folk’s brains on the topic.
Someone asked “Older people, what is 100% pure BS?” and netizens shared the various things that they have found to be false. SO get comfortable as you read through, upvote the ones you agree with and be sure to add your own contributions in the comments section below.
Weddings. Sure buy a dress, take nice photos. Go down to the courthouse and do it that way. Then take the money you would have spent and save it for a down payment on a house. Weddings are not that fun. Crazy expensive. Time consuming. Stressful. You do not need one.

Image credits: IndependenceLegal746
The idea that you need to find a career that you are passionate about. Find a career that you can earn decently in and still have work/life balance. Work to fund your passions.

Image credits: Ok_Reality_7314
Money can't buy happiness. B******t ,it can.

Image credits: EntertainmentDue3870
That you have to work at least a year at a company before leaving. In today's market if you have to bounce for a better position, do it. Any company will drop you without hesitation if they have to.

Image credits: j_ha17
That other people care what you wear, what kind of car you drive or what music you listen to. Those things seem important when you are young. But honestly most people are just trying to live their own lives. They probably don't think about you at all when you are not around.

Image credits: Running_Dumb
That your soulmate is out there. There is no such thing. You have people who you are attracted to, and compatible with. And liking the person you are with is a hell of a lot more important in the long run than most everything else.

Image credits: primeirofilho
That you'll always be broken.
Trauma does terrible things to a person, but you can get better. It isn't easy, but you are absolutely capable of being happy and living a successful life. Don't give up.

Image credits: Sunflower_song
When the schools say they have no tolerance for bullying. Thats definitely
100% BULL.
Fashion. It’s 100% made up b******t designed for people to waste money and precious resources. Clothing, sure everyone needs that, but to throw perfectly good pieces of clothing away for no other reason than it not being the current fashion is an absolute crock of s**t. Buying clothes that you don’t actually use is also b******t. Last but not least- judging other people for what they wear is b******t. Nothing could matter less than what clothes people wear.
HR at your job.
They are there to protect the company and will slit your throat when it suits them.
Tell them nothing.

Image credits: KittehKittehKat
That doctors know best. If you feel like something is wrong, keep pushing, advocate for yourself, go to another doctor, do whatever you need to do. Can't stress this enough. So many stories of friends and family being told nothing is wrong, and THERE WAS.

Image credits: Daisy_is_a_nice_name
You can be whatever you want to be when you grow up…. It’s all luck.

Image credits: soxacub
Being an adult. There is no switch that gets flipped, no sense of leveling up. One day, you're just yourself with a huge pile of bills and your sense of self won't feel any different.

Image credits: LakehavenAlpha
People who oppose transgenderism. They don't realize that it's been a concept for tens of thousands of years.
99% of dating advice.
100% of financial advice from anyone that posts videos as a job online.

Image credits: The_Quackening
Ads about amazing deals you can get online by using their site. PS5 for $20? Just tell us you're an illegal scam and let us move on with our lives. The fact that YouTube plays these scam ads constantly proves they don't give a s**t.

Image credits: Fallen311
Being an “influencer”
Being a “content creator”.

Image credits: Shoboy_is_my_name
That time is infinite. Yeah time overall might be but YOUR time and MINE are finite as f**k.
You blink twice and you wonder where the last 30 years went.
Multi-level marketing, no matter what they call it - network marketing etc.
Rules about how to attract relationships focused only on men or women ("The Rules" etc)
Rules about how to advance in business ("48 Laws of Power")
Anything with "The Four-Hour" in the title
Payday loans.

Image credits: Botryoid2000
When you're in your 20s, especially late 20s, and think "yeah, me and my friends, we pretty much have it figured out."
You don't, like just trust me. You f*****g don't, and as a guy about to turn 40, I laugh at how comically naive me and my friends were at that age. Even as fairly progressive and open minded people, we didn't know s**t.
Old heads would try to tell me this at that time and I'd dismiss it, because I'm special and know better. I wish I could powder my hand, slap the f**k out of 27 year old me, and convince him to just listen.
"Just do what you love."
Do what pays the bills. Everything becomes tedious fast, even the things you love, so keep yourself safe and prepare yourself financially.
That the United States is an equal opportunity country.
Wrong. Social class, privilege, contacts gift opportunity to those who have them.

Image credits: BenGay29
Social media. You will get to a point where you will look back and think why did you waste so much time on it. It’s all fake and in the end none of it will matter.

Image credits: anon
The notion that the people we elect to power intend to serve the common good. If we commoners could one day open our eyes together and see the real enemy rather than fighting each other over pronouns and whether someone is a racist or a karen, we could make some progress. Guess who benefits from our endless squabbling. Not us, but those who exploit us.
Any f*****g connotation between the stars and planets and how you act as a human being: whether it’s horoscopes, Mercury retrograde, a full moon, or Unicron.
If you have to use some intergalactic nonsense to explain your attitude, you’re probably just being a s****y person.
Your efforts will be rewarded.

Image credits: anon
Health insurance and their endless shenanigans.

Image credits: No-Understanding4968
Giving a s**t about what others think of you.

Image credits: MrStaraZagora
The customer is always right, you can achieve anything by working hard, and everyone is born equal.

Image credits: anon
Promises an employer makes.

Image credits: loztriforce