Amazing black and white photographs show what life was like for the residents of Wester Hailes back in 1979.
John Walmsley has created a picture book that showcases candid moments in the lives of everyday Wester Hailes people.
The book shows the love, fun and community that is often synonymous with one of Edinburgh’s most notorious communities.
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Throughout the book, youth and a careless nature feature with residents seen to be enjoying their surroundings and activities that appear to have shaped the childhood of many generations.
In one image, a young lad can be seen looking proud as punch as he collects a trophy whilst surrounded by a group of his peers.
It is not known if this was taken at the end of a local football tournament or other sporting event.
Another picture appears to show a young girl standing at a pay phone as she stretches the earpiece down to her level.

The old school pay phones will act as a blast from the past for many Wester Hailes residents who stayed in the area at that time.
A third shot shows a bear mascot shaking hands with a young boy whilst his friend looks on.

It looks as though the picture was taken at a local gala day or festival event as several young people can be seen in the background enjoying themselves.
A fourth scene is captured by John and shows a young girl in what looks like the beginning of a performance or procession for a special event.

Several teenage females can also be seen behind her forming long rows as they look set to perform in front of a crowd.
The last photograph shows a group of young kids and a pack of dogs outside of the Corner Market shop in Wester Hailes.

A young person can be seen with what looks like a packet of crisps in her mouth and in the background people can be seen perusing items on the shelves of the store.
You can view more of these pictures by clicking here and can also buy the book directly from John Walmsley’s website for £15 here.
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