Kirkcudbright’s new look Scout Hall has officially been opened.
The work to create a new toilet block and kitchen was completed during the pandemic and the hall has been back in use for more than 18 months but last Wednesday was the first occasion the completion could be celebrated.
Attending the evening were representatives from the main funders – the Kavli Foundation, of which Castle McLellan Foods is part, the Holywood Trust and the Winnifred Kennedy Trust.
In addition, there were representatives of building contractors Brian Carson, architect Amanda Flockhart, who designed and managed the project, Kirkcudbright Rotary Club and the town’s comunity council. Leaders from the Scouts, Rangers, Guides, Brownies and Rainbows helped to run the evening.

Chairman Derek Collins, who had made many funding applications, received the Scout Thank You badge along with the Commissioner’s Commendation Award.
The hall is an excellent community resource, being used for such things as the arts and crafts trail, practice for the dancers at Scottish nights and exercise classes. It even has its own Facebook page which can be found by searching for Kirkcudbright Scout Hall.