On Monday, Oddity Tech stock hit an important performance benchmark, seeing its Relative Strength (RS) Rating jump into the 80-plus percentile with an improvement to 81, up from 76 the day before.
IBD's proprietary rating identifies price performance with a 1 (worst) to 99 (best) score. The rating shows how a stock's price performance over the last 52 weeks holds up against all the other stocks in our database.
Decades of market research reveals that the market's biggest winners tend to have an 80 or higher RS Rating in the early stages of their moves.
Hone Your Stock-Picking Skills By Focusing On These Factors
Is Oddity Tech Stock A Buy?
The stock, which is on the IPO Leaders screen, cleared a consolidation with a 50.36 entry on Monday. See if the consumer tech stock continues its rally higher.
Earnings growth rose last quarter from 46% to 52%. But sales fell from 27% to 26%.
ODDITY Tech holds the No. 1 rank among its peers in the Cosmetics/Personal Care industry group. FitLife Brands and Interparfums are also among the group's highest-rated stocks.