October has crept up on us like a spooky-ass poltergeist (how appropriate for Halloween) so here’s your October horoscopes 2024 to ease some of that fear.
This month, the Sun is shining in bright and happy Libra before moving into sensual and mysterious Scorpio.
We’ve also got the last eclipse of the year happening tomorrow (here’s everything you need to know about that) and a Full Moon in Aries calling us to take action and make major moves.
Read on to suss your October horoscopes 2024.
October Horoscopes 2024
March 21 – April 19
Horny energy is coming your way in October! Especially around Scorpio Season which kicks off on October 23, lighting your rabid Aries fire. Then, on Saturday October 26, your romantic 7th House will be lit up. So for singles, your casual connections may grow deeper and for people in committed relationships, expect a surprise from your other half!
The conclusion of Pluto Retrograde on Friday, October 11 will bring surprising news at work. Positive changes are on the way, whether it’s a promotion or a shake-up of energy that’s been very much needed.
Transformation planet Pluto has been retrograde since May. Since then, you may have noticed a shift in the way you think or feel about certain people in your life. When Pluto goes direct in your 10th House of Social Status on Friday, October 11, you may feel the need to shuffle your deck of mates, switching out certain people who don’t bring you joy and putting your focus into ones you’ve lost touch with.
April 20 – May 20
Expect an evolution in your dating life / relationship when love planet Venus moves into your transformative 8th House on Thursday, October 17. Things are heating up for you and that certain someone, big time! Pop off, sis.
Luck and expansion planet Jupiter goes retrograde in your lush and bougie 2nd House on Wednesday, October 9, until February 2025. During this time, you may start to ponder other career choices and and you’ll have the luck of Jupiter to help you make any moves that you’ve set your eye on. Just keep your eyes open for any opportunities that come your way!
With the social season kicking off, be sure to get in your R&R and stick to your health and wellness routines, especially as a full moon in Aries hits your 12th House on Thursday, October 17 and brings with it some intense feelings and heavy emotions. Telling a Taurus to take a nap feels like a redundant statement, but seriously, you need it!

Model babe Gigi Hadid getting in her essential Taurus nap after being told by PEDESTRIAN.TV’s October horoscopes 2024 that she’s allowed. (Credit: Those Wrecked by Success)
May 21 – June 21
Don’t make any plans on Thursday, October 17 ‘cos you’re going to want to spend the day / night in bed with a certain sexy someone as love planet Venus moves into adventurous and fiery Sagittarius, plus your House of Partnership.
The Lunar Eclipse could spark changes to your career which may rock the boat a lil but when the dust settles, you will see that it was truly for the greater good.
As Pluto Retrograde ends and the transformative planet moves away from hard-working Capricorn and into community-driven Aquarius, you are encouraged to embrace your soft side. Reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, call your mum and tell her you love her, bake your housemates and colleagues a cake.
June 22 – July 22
Has there been drama on the love front lately? Well that should all settle this month as transformative Pluto goes direct in your 7th House of Partnership on Friday, October 11, restoring order to the chaos that is your love life. If you’ve been on some shocking dates or if you and your S/O have been snarky to one another, that should soon ease up.
Expect to receive recognition for your hard-work on Thursday, October 17 when an Aries Full Moon beams into your 10th House of Social Status. Since Full Moons are all about completion and manifestations and Aries is all about action and hard work, you’ll be pretty unstoppable around this time! If you want to give it that extra push, here’s a guide to manifesting!
When Scorpio Season kicks off on Tuesday, October 22, you’ll feel a sudden burst of all the fun things: sexual pleasure, creative abundance, a financial upturn, you name it! If you’re doing it tough RN, just hang in there. A windfall is on the way.
July 23 – August 22
If you’ve been casually dating someone, it might become a lil more serious around Thursday, October 17 when love planet Venus enters your 5th House of Pleasure. Those who are committed will feel a renewed sense of commitment with their other half and some hot, hot evenings as well.
According to your October horoscopes 2024, the Solar Eclipse hitting your 3rd House of Communication on Wednesday, October 2 will bring with it a fair amount of stress at work and potentially some tension with those around you. Try and avoid throwing shade and interpreting everything you hear as shade!
The group chat might become a little tense this month as Jupiter goes retrograde in your 11th House of Friendship on Wednesday, October 9. If you’re just not vibing with someone, don’t be afraid to take a step back and hang with your other mates instead, rather than doing what you Leos usually do and attack the situation with force. Tap into Libra Season’s calming, mediating energy and be the bigger person!

Let’s not forget when Leo Real Housewife Carole Radizwill took a step back from Bethenny Frankel and WW3 erupted. (Credit: RHONY)
August 23 – September 22
Hard-headed Aries has a Full Moon this month on Thursday, October 17 and it lands in your 8th House of Sex and Transformation so expect chaos in your love zone, my horny Virgo friend. Try and avoid getting into hectic arguments with your other half and instead channel that passion to actually reach solutions and set boundaries. For singles, try and have a softer approach in your communications with prospective partners.
Okay, so we’re barrelling towards the end of the year and your money goals aren’t quite where you’d hoped, are they? Not saying it’s your fault whaaaaatsover. We’re in a cost of living crisis and you’re being rorted by everyone: the government, supermarkets, your deadbeat housemate who eats your food and is always late on rent. Well, the solar eclipse in Libra on October activates your second house of $$$, inspiring you to make major money moves and fix the way you spend and save.
Be super careful with how you communicate with others! In fact, perhaps an audit of your comms style is necessary as your ruling planet Mercury (AKA the planet of communication) hits up Scorpio and impacts your 3rd House of, you guessed it, COMMUNICATION! Passion is good, but don’t let your determination to prove a point alienate everyone around you.
September 23 – October 22
The Full Moon in Aries on Thursday, October 17 will impact your 7th House of Partnership, which spells max passion for your love life. Which either means hot sex or brutal arguments (here’s how to break up with someone based on their sign, in case it comes to that). I hope for your sake it’s the former! Could even be both, who knows.
With Venus in Scorpio impacting your 2nd House of Finances, your focus will be on stepping up your money game and being purposeful with your spending rather than blowing the budget on meaningless crap that you felt compelled to buy because you saw some hot model wearing it. Treat yourself, sure, but be serious now, babe.
The solar eclipse in your sign on October 2 will have a major impact on how you see yourself as well as how you’re being perceived, as it lands in your 1st House of Identity. It’s your birthday season so naturally you’re feeling incredibly reflective and introspective. Use this time to have a think about your vibe and if it’s what you wish to project over the next 12 months. If that’s a no, start mapping out how you hope to upgrade your life in this new age of yours — here’s a guide to making vision boards to help you out.
October 23 – November 21
You’re feeling hella vulnerable at the moment and anything anyone says is likely to cut you to the core, even if that wasn’t said person’s intention. Before blowing up on a romantic interest, stop and analyse the subtext of what they’re saying and consider the idea that maybe, just maybe, they’re not trying to piss you off. Just breathe and ask them to kindly rephrase what they’re saying and when all else fails, agree to disagree and move the fuck on.
Any creative project, side hustle, or business venture you’ve been working on will receive exciting results when Pluto goes direct on Friday, October 11 in your 3rd House of Communication. Keep an eye on your emails, answer your phone calls (I know you’ve been screening for scammers) and circle back with anyone who can help get your ideas over the line.
Your season is almost here and you’re probs gonna be too damn exhausted to enjoy it since you’ve been going HAM all year with your various endeavours and wheelings and dealings. The Libra Solar Eclipse will beam into your 12th House of R&R, take this reminder and zen the fuck out. Skip out on any events and occasions that you don’t actually wanna go to, mute anything that disturbs your peace, and just look after yourself ploise.
Special PS: Do you remember what was happening in your life in 2008? That chapter is going to come to an end this month around Friday, October 11 as transformation planet Pluto (one of your ruling planets) ends its retrograde and dips back into Capricorn before moving into Aquarius in November and staying there through 2043. Pluto first moved into Capricorn back in 2008, so something that kicked off way back when will resurface so you can put it to rest for good.
November 22 – December 21
Your most romantic day this month will be on Thursday, October 17 as love planet Venus brings its sweet, sweet vibes into your sign, at the same time as a Full Moon in Aries ignites passion in your 5th House of Pleasure. Plan a date. Ask someone out. Surprise your boo. Have all of the sex.
Your financial woes should soon come to an end (or at least, you’ll receive a reprieve, of sorts!) when luck and abundance planet Jupiter goes retrograde and transformation planet Pluto goes direct in your 2nd House of $$$ on Friday, October 11. You might even receive some exciting news at work!
This Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2 will beam into your 11th House of Friendship and Community, putting the focus on your inner circle. Do you feel that you’re receiving the same energy from your mates as you’re giving them? In turn, are you giving them the same energy they’re giving you? Solar Eclipses are about new beginnings — use this time to make any necessary edits to the way the group chat’s been going lately.
December 22 – January 19
When things get cloudy in your romantic life this month, do what you usually do and apply logic and reason to your decision-making but also follow your intuition as love planet Venus is beaming into your 12th House of Intuition, so your instincts will be on point! If something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s probably not!
Capricorns are on a constant quest to take over the world (or at least, take over their workplace), so much so that they forget to get in their necessary rest time. When Jupiter Retrograde kicks off in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, it’ll impact your 6th House of Health and highlight the need to strike up a proper work/life balance for your own health and sanity.
The Aries Full Moon on Thursday, October 17 will beam into your 4th House of Home and Family. If you’re feeling anxious around this time, which might happen with the erratic energy in the air at the mo, restore order and balance to your life by spending time with your nearest and dearest.

I’m sure Capricorn queen Dolly Parton will be spending time with her fam member Miley Cyrus when shit hits the fan for her this month. After reading her October horoscopes 2024, of course. (Credit: Hannah Montana)
January 20 – February 18
When abundance planet Jupiter goes retrograde in your 5th House of Pleasure on Wednesday, October 9, you’ll enter a period of sexual exploration, which will continue through to February 2025 (and let’s be honest, probs well beyond that!). Keep your mind and your options wiiiiiiiide open!
Any major career moves would best be made from Sunday, October 13 onwards as comms planet Mercury hits your 10th House of Social and your networking abilities magnify to great heights. Around this time, your words are money and whatever you touch turns to gold — take advantage of the cosmic boost!
When Pluto Retrograde comes to a close in Capricorn and your headstrong 12 House on Friday, October 11, you’ll finally find some closure and be able to let go of whatever’s been holding you back. Explore these feelings in order to unpack them — whether this is through solo reflection, through therapy or with a trusted mentor.
February 19 – March 20
The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2 lands in your 8th House of Intimacy and its erratic energy might set off any trust issues you might have in dating or with your partner. The best way to approach this is through open and honest communication to unmask whatever it is you’re concerned about and find a healthy path for the future.
Believe it or not, the answer to the issues you’re having at work can be found in your dreams. No, seriously! Pisces is ruled by Neptune which is the ~dreamy~ planet and your natural psychic abilities are unlocked in dreamland. Over the next month, record all your dreams and analyse them. By doing so, you will find the solution to your work dramas.
Pluto going direct on Friday, October 11 will impact your friendships as it lands in your 11th House of Mates. Unhealthy patterns in your friend group will be highlighted, use this as an opportunity to squash them. At the same time as this is happening, you’ll likely become closer to your acquaintances or maybe even meet someone new who you just click with.
And so concludes your October horoscopes 2024. See ya next month for October!
Ooh, and if you need a gift for your Libra pal, here’s where to look!
Matt Galea is the Deputy Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer who penned your October horoscopes 2024. You can find him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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