Oakwood has appeared in a viral video by the Sidemen describing it as "the worst rated theme park in the UK". The popular Youtube personalities compared two amusement attractions in a budget vs no expense spared style video.
Split into two teams, half of the British group travelled four hours to Wales' largest theme park in Pembrokeshire as the designated "bad team", spending the day sampling some of the rides on offer.
The group left a mixed review on the amusement park but argued they "had a good day" and the "rides were decent" as they toasted their "survival of Wales" in a viral video seen by over three million viewers on the social media platform.
Read more: What we found when we visited the beloved Welsh theme park recently voted the worst in the UK
The beloved Welsh theme park has long been a popular tourist destination, packed full of memories and nostalgia. However, as of late, the park has been the subject of ridicule on social media. The attraction has 1,000 negative reviews on TripAdvisor alongside its three star rating.
We previously visited Oakwood last year and felt the reviews left were justified with the site needing some much love and TLC as it felt a bit neglected. You can read more about our visit here.

First arriving at the theme park, the group were left underwhelmed arguing "it looks sad" and "it's a field" as they ventured into the site with one of the members saying it felt "like a zombie film".
Within the site, the team are left confused commenting that they haven't seen a ride visibly active. Passing 'Drenched' or "a relic of time" as one of the members describe it, one of the team also comments on the rust appearing on the ride as it isn't visibly operating.
Throughout the video, the team sample some of the iconic rides home to Oakwood theme park with mostly positive reviews but do highlight that a number of the rides appear closed.
The popular Youtubers spent most of the day surrounding by screaming fans all trying to get a picture with their favourite stars while they venture around the park trying some of the beloved rides home to the park; Megafobia, Speed and Bounce.
Rounding the day off, the team said their day was "decent" and argued their trip of five hours, "probably" wasn't worth it, as they toasted their day out. You can view their full video and their trip by clicking here.
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