Residents at Livingston’s Craigmair Interim Care Home were celebrating after winning the top trophy at a sports event for old folk.
Craigmair in Craisgshill won the John Bowman Trophy for the overall winning team at the Sporting Senior Games in Glasgow.

They competed against care homes from around West Lothian and Scotland in a number of events to take the prize.
It was presented to the Craigmair team at the award ceremony in August and staff held a second presentation at the home once the trophy had been engraved, with a piper to make them feel extra special.
The games are an annual competition y for care home residents to take part in competitive sport in an Olympic/Commonwealth Games type of set up and is a collaboration between Erskine Care Homes and Caledonian University.

Activities include basketball, boccia bowls, kurling and the javelin.
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