When nurses stand on the picket lines tomorrow they will do so with a heavy heart.
A profession that is steeped in care and kindness did not want to abandon patients.
They have been driven to take industrial action for the first time out of desperation.
For too long they have witnessed the NHS being slowly destroyed by years of Tory neglect.
For too long they have watched their colleagues quit the health service in search of better-paid and less stressful employment.
And for too long their goodwill has been tested by round after round of pay cuts.
Follow The Mirror's LIVE blog for all the updates on the nurses' strike throughout today

They are striking because their colleagues cannot afford to get the bus to work, feed their families or heat their homes.
It is shameful that nurses are so poorly paid that one NHS trust is now giving staff vouchers for local food banks.
It is disgraceful that ministers care so little for those who care so much.
During the pandemic nurses put their lives at risk.
They tended to our loved ones and comforted the bereaved.
They stood by our side then and we should stand by their side now.
SOS again..
In November last year 27 people died trying to cross the Channel.
In the wake of this tragedy ministers promised to stop the trade in human trafficking.
Today we woke to the news that at least four people had died off the coast of Kent.
Once again there was an outpouring of grief and vows to end this deadly trade.
Words are not enough.
Unless the Government is prepared to consider safe routes for those seeking asylum there will be more deaths and more grief.
National gems
Acting royalty met real royalty yesterday when Bill Roache received his OBE from King Charles.
The two have a lot in common – they are both appearing in Coronations next year.