I have been a nurse for 12 years, three of those in the UK. I worked through the pandemic, but I fear what will be left of the NHS in five years if we do not fight for it now.
Over the last few months, the strike action we have taken has not been about just us arguing for better pay.
It has been about using our voice. We must use our voice, to be heard, to fight for our profession and our patients. That is why I voted yes to strike action in this ballot.
We all see it. Every single day appointments are cancelled, treatment is delayed and, we are short-staffed.
We all see the effect it has on our patients. It is putting all of us under far too much pressure and burning us out.

Our colleagues cannot take it anymore and so many are leaving the profession because the pay is not worth the stress of the job.
I have voted for strike action as we need to send the Government a clear message that the last pay offer was not enough. We need an offer that will make a real difference every day.
We do not want to beg; we shouldn’t have to ask. But I have colleagues coming into work on empty stomachs or having to use foodbanks, it is not acceptable.
I have voted yes on the current strike action ballot, and I urge every one of my colleagues to do the same.
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