A new mum discovered she had stage 3 breast cancer two months after she gave birth to her first born child.
In January 2021, during Lotecia Chambers' pregnancy the 25-year-old discovered she had a lump that was brushed off as “probably just a cyst”.
However, as her pregnancy progressed medics began to suspect it may be cancerous, My London reported .
Then, two months after she gave birth to her first child, Tristan, she received the heart-breaking news that she had stage 3 breast cancer.
The lump got so bad that it made it too dangerous for her to attempt a natural delivery.

So, racked with pain from the tumour, when it finally came to giving birth she had to have a C-section in September 2021.
By November, she had received the dreaded diagnosis and was told the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes.
The qualified nurse from Jamaica has family in London, and was due to fly to the UK to work due to the ongoing shortage of nurses.
Lotecia, speaking from Jamaica, said: "I delivered my baby early via C-section in September and it was quite possibly the worst few months of my life.
"I was in so much pain from having surgery along with the extreme pain from this massive tumour.
"No painkillers would help and I felt like I was in hell. My newborn would get fussy and just need his mother's comfort but I was in so much pain whenever I would place him anywhere near my chest.

"It was just pure agony. If not for my family I don't know how I would've survived through that time."
Now her cousin, Tajay Bryan, 25, who lives in West London, is raising money to pay for his cousin's treatment.
It is hoped that with the right treatment she can still beat the cancer.
He said: "This whole situation has taken a massive mental and emotional toll on her. She was the happiest she's ever been when her son was born, she was celebrating and then this happened."
Tajay, who is also from Jamaica and currently lives in Osterley, West London, added that the chemotherapy has totally zapped his cousin's energy.
It has also meant she can't breastfeed her son and the situation has taken its toll on her relationship with him, too.
Tajay's family are all close and have rallied together to support their relative back in Jamaica.
That has included sending over money and food packages. He said: "Like any family, we're complicated but we all have a strong family connection."
Tajay moved to the UK when he was around six years old. He joined his mother who had already moved here after his father was murdered when he was just two years old.
Lotecia's mum - his aunt - raised Tajay like her own, and now he views her as a second mother.
Lotecia's plans to move to the UK and work as a nurse have been put on hold. Her sister, also a nurse, has been living here for around four weeks. Tajay said: "We have a really strong connection to the UK, it's been really good to us as a family."
You can donate to the GoFundMe set up by Tajay here .