Groups of youths are causing 'havoc' in a Nottinghamshire town by climbing on shop roofs and intimidating shoppers, prompting a police response. Residents feel anti-social behaviour is growing problem in Arnold - with some people feeling unsafe.
Gedling MP Tom Randall has had a number of residents write to him about their concerns of anti-social behaviour in the town centre and Front Street, as well as McDonald's becoming "a hotspot." He stated: “Today, the Government hit its 20,000 new police office recruitment target and I am pleased over 400 extra police officers are on the streets of Gedling and Nottinghamshire, helping to keep us safe.
"Gedling’s Neighbourhood Policing Inspector has assured me that the police are in talks with local businesses regarding improving the security of their buildings to prevent youths gaining access, particularly to roofs along Front Street in Arnold. I am also pleased that the Police will be carrying out an operation throughout the summer with an increased Police presence.
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"I hope these measures reduce anti-social behaviour. As an Arnold resident myself, I will be monitoring the situation closely and contacting the Police with any concerns that constituents raise with me.” According to members of the public, customers and members of staff at the Arnold branch of McDonald's have experienced harassment from youths, who have also been cycling inside the store.
A McDonald’s Spokesperson stated: "We are aware of some anti-social behaviour issues which are impacting a number of businesses in the area surrounding our restaurant. We will continue to maintain our positive working relationships with the local police to ensure that our restaurant is a safe and welcoming environment for our people and customers.”
An anonymous Arnold resident who did not wish to be named explained: "On Sunday, I went to McDonald’s and this whole group of teenagers came in. They were harassing the staff, cycling inside McDonald’s, staff told them ‘if you’re not going to stop, we’ll have to remove you’.
"They don’t listen. Eventually I asked them to leave as well, and they said some very rude things to me. It’s ridiculous that I, a member of the public, have to step up when there are other people who can step up but clearly, they’re not doing anything."
Gedling neighbourhood policing inspector Mark Stanley is asking parents and carers to make sure they know what their children are doing outside of school. He said: “My whole neighbourhood policing team is focused on cracking down on anti-social behaviour currently affecting the Front Street area and we have made this a priority over the summer holiday period.
"I want to reassure people that we are looking to use every tool we have available to help prevent further harm to residents and businesses and help them feel safer. We are working closely with businesses, including premises owners who have unsecure access, and providing crime prevention advice to curb this type of offending.
"We are also working closely with the Gedling Borough Council town centre manager and with McDonalds to tackle and reduce anti-social behaviour. Climbing on any form of roof is unsafe. Some are not designed to take the weight of a person and one slip, fall or roof giving way can have serious or even fatal consequences."

Kate Taylor, 58, works at Delicci Café Bar on Front Street and explained that they have "had youths climb on the roof and play around on there and put their lives in danger." She said: "We’ve informed the police a few times but there’s only so much they can do about it.
"More police around here and CCTV would help around here definitely. As long as police find out who these people are, they should be able to do something about it.”
Andrea Akturk, 60, is a dry cleaner at Arnold Top Clean on Front Street, from Arnold. She said: "We’ve only experienced the usual, youths shouting at us through the door or messing around at the back door.
"It wasn’t exactly trouble causing. However, I am under the impression that after shop hours, around evening time, it gets worse, but I’m gone by 5pm.”
Jeane Williams, 65, of Gedling, comes to Arnold to shop. She feels "something should be done about it because people are going to start avoiding the area and the shops will suffer in the end."
Jeane continued: "More police presence would be great but from what I heard, they don’t have enough officers. I think CCTV would be the most acceptable option because at least they can see what’s happening and talk to the youths and warn them."
Retired Linda Puxted, 79, of Arnold, said: " It’s horrible. I’ve lived here 16 years and I’ve never known it ever be this troublesome."

A spokesperson for Gedling Borough Council said: "We have a large CCTV network across the borough, particularly in Arnold Town Centre. Our officers have been monitoring issues of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the area and providing CCTV footage to the Police to investigate.
"The council’s Public Protection team is working with the Police and businesses to address issues in the area. Businesses can also sign up to the "Shop Watch" scheme, allowing them to contact the council’s CCTV control room about a number of issues including ASB, retail crime, or suspicious activity.
"Residents and businesses can help by reporting cases of ASB directly to the Police or to the council’s Community Safety Team at”