A four-decade-long battle to establish a national nuclear waste dump could be a step closer to ending, with the federal opposition preparing to negotiate with the government on legislation that would allow construction to begin.
The facility would permanently store low-level nuclear waste, like that produced during medical procedures, including cancer treatments.
Most of it is currently stored in hospitals across the country, or at the Lucas Heights nuclear facility in Sydney.
The federal government has proposed the dump be built near Kimba, on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula, after a shortlist of locations was whittled down and a community vote was held.
But legislation to give the project the tick of approval stalled in the Senate, with Labor concerned the bill did not allow legal challenges against the choice of location.
On Tuesday, Labor's Caucus agreed to let Shadow Resources Minister Madeleine King negotiate on the bill after the Coalition suggested it would present amendments to Parliament allowing for judicial review.
"We said we would not support passage of this legislation unless the traditional owners were comfortable with it," Ms King said.
"The Barngarla people broadly support the amendments and are confident the revised bill provides the legal recourse they need to ensure their voices are heard."
Ms King said the opposition would wait to see the details of the amendments before making its final decision.
She was praised by Shadow Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney for her consultation with the community.
Representatives of the Barngarla Determination Aboriginal Corporation (BDAC) travelled to Canberra to seek extra assurances from the federal government about the amendments.
"We welcome the engagement Labor to date and the engagement from the crossbench," a spokesperson said.
"We also acknowledge the commitment from Labor to ensure that nothing occurs without our support.
"We are unable to comment further at this stage as we are too busy dealing with this."
A community ballot in Kimba in 2019 showed more than 60 per cent of the local community supported the community. But, the Barngala traditional owners were not included in that vote.
Federal Resources Minister Keith Pitt has said there was no native title claim on the site.
The Minister hoped the announcement from Labor would ensure the bill passed Parliament "as soon as possible".
"Every Australian will benefit from nuclear medical treatment and diagnosis of life-threatening conditions including cancer," Mr Pitt said.
"In the interests of ensuring we can make progress on this project, I would welcome support from Labor Senators so we can continue to provide Australians with this critical health service well into the future."
The amendments are yet to be introduced to Parliament, and the timeframe for construction is not clear.
Legal challenges have scuttled previous attempts to construct a nuclear waste dump, including at Mukaty Station in the Northern Territory.