This perfectly normal-looking piece of farmland hides an impressive Cold War secret that could be yours, if you have a spare £70,000 lying around.
The seemingly ordinary patch of land, known as Observer Post Field, on the edge of a village in Bolsover, Derbyshire, is used by its current owner to grow crops but it is now up for sale for £350,000.
The aptly-named field is home to a shrub-covered abandoned Cold War bunker, listed as part of the price tag - or available separately.
The land, near the village of Whitwell, is split into two lots with the first, valued at £280,000 and 21.55 acres in size being the area largely used to grow crops. The second, valued at £70,000, comprises a 4.61 acre lot that includes the mysterious shelter, possibly built in the 1960s.
The bunker, which has been sealed off, has been registered as a monument by the local County Council, DerbyshireLive reports.

The authority's website states: "This site has been utilised over the past century and a half for its good vantage point. According to the Whitwell Local History Group, it was used as an observation point by the Royal Observer Corps from 1939 onwards and was manned every day during World War Two for this purpose.
"An underground shelter was built on the site, possibly in the 1970s, in the event of a nuclear attack. Inside the shelter are two rooms: a communal area and a w/c. (1) A total of 870 thermo-nuclear fallout shelters and observation posts were built throughout the country by the Home Office as part of a strategic defence against nuclear attack.
"Measuring 18ft by 10ft, the bunkers were buried 12ft underground, were built of reinforced concrete and cost £2,000 each. The shelters were decommissioned in 1992 when the then Home Secretary decided they were no longer necessary."
Now, agents from W.T. Parker estate agents, based in Chesterfield, say the surrounding land "could be used for other agricultural/equestrian type uses subject to planning consent being obtained."
Agents add: "There is an overhead line to the disused bunker, however, we are not aware of any mains services being connected.
"An area of land shown edged green on the plan appears to be unregistered. It surrounds and possibly encompasses part of the bunker which sits within the seller's registered title no. DY431357, owned by the seller for many years.
“As such, the seller will indemnify the buyer against any third-party ownership claims made in the future. We are not aware of the ownership of the land edged green and it is not included in the sale."