The Northern Territory government will push for an increase in migrant numbers and funding for affordable housing for workers, at the national jobs and skills summit.
Chief Minister Natasha Fyles also wants HECS-HELP debts reduced for graduates prepared to work in remote areas and incentives to employ Indigenous workers.
"We have listened to Territory businesses and the message is clear: business is good and the economy is growing but we need more workers," she told reporters in Darwin on Tuesday.
"That's why it's really important I'm at this jobs summit so we don't just come away with measures that suit the east coast. They have to suit regional and remote Australia as well."
Ms Fyles is also expected to advocate for an increase in worker visa quotas and funding for training incentives to help retain workers.
"There are key areas that the NT needs workers here and now as well as into the future so I'll certainly be making sure that regional and remote Australia and their views are at National Cabinet and the jobs summit," she said.
Ms Fyles said the tourism and hospitality and agribusiness sectors were desperate for workers.
"We need fruit pickers immediately. We've already seen some schemes in isolation, for example the Pacific workers heading into central Australia," she said.
"So there are some opportunities for bespoke arrangements in the NT and I'll certainly be pushing that with the Commonwealth."