Fears over dangerous crumbling concrete have spread to Britain’s railways, with Network Rail launching an urgent review into the train estate, a minister has confirmed.
Transport secretary Huw Merriman has said Network Rail is searching for reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (Raac) on its estate “as a priority” and will report any findings to the department.
Network Rail owns, operates and develops Britain’s railway infrastructure, including 20 of the biggest train stations, 30,000 bridges and 20,000 miles of track.
Any Raac-related closures could spell more misery for commuters and holidaymakers, who have already been blighted by more than a year of devastating rail strikes.
The announcement comes after it was confirmed more than 600 schools have now been surveyed for the collapse-risk concrete.
And it comes amid growing fears that the crisis sparked by the closure of schools over crumbling concrete could spread to offices, shops and even housing, as one of Britain’s biggest landlords ordered a review of its buildings
Raac, which has been described as “80 per cent air” and “like an Aero Bar”, was used to construct schools, colleges, and other buildings between the fifties and mid-seventies in the UK, but has since been found to be at risk of collapse.
The TUC has called for the government to create a national risk register for all public buildings in the wake of the Raac crisis.
A piece of furniture is removed from a building at Corpus Christi Catholic School in London after it was warned over crumbling concrete— (Getty Images)
The union organisation warned that the issue in schools is likely to be the “tip of the iceberg”, with hospitals, libraries, community centres and other public buildings also at risk.
It has also been confirmed in the Houses of Parliament, as the government continues to deal with the growing Raac crisis.
A parliamentary spokesman said on Monday evening: “As part of routine ongoing investigations Raac ( reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete) was identified in one area of the Palace.
“Structural engineers have confirmed there is no immediate risk. Where Raac is found, mitigations will be put in place as necessary.”
The announcement comes after it was confirmed more than 600 schools have now been surveyed for the collapse-risk concrete.
Department for Education officials also confirmed the department has received 98 per cent of responses to a questionnaire about potential reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (Raac) in their buildings.