Diablo 4's character exploit temporarily got a lot worse, before it was somewhat fixed by Blizzard.
Earlier this week, we reported on how Diablo 4 players were switching their Eternal and seasonal characters over to opposite realms by unplugging their ethernet cables. The exploit let Eternal characters get their hands on seasonal-exclusive gear, and also let the older characters drop gear for their seasonal counterparts to pick up and wield.
Matters got a lot worse yesterday on August 3, when the player below reported seeing Eternal characters wielding Malignant Hearts in every single item slot. Malignant Hearts are only supposed to be slotted into accessories, if you're unfamiliar with how the seasonal items work, so this basically let Eternal characters be walking nightmares in terms of game balance in Diablo 4.
Serious bugs are detected from r/diablo4
The player just above is attempting to bring this to the attention of the wider Diablo 4 player base, and also Blizzard, in the hopes that the issue might quickly be remedied. You can probably imagine why Eternal characters walking around with 12 Malignant Hearts equipped at any one time is a catastrophe in the PvP portion of Diablo 4, not to mention the wider game.
However, Blizzard has been really quick on a fix for the issue. As reported in the video just below, the developer has actually patched out the vast majority of the exploit, meaning that while Eternal and seasonal characters can still technically switch realms at the time of writing, they can do a lot less once they've reached their destination.
For example, you can no longer trade items for gold once in a different realm, and you also can't boost the seasonal character by running dungeons for them via an Eternal character. However, it's not yet been confirmed whether the new fixed included stamping out the ridiculous Malignant Heart exploits for Eternal characters in Diablo 4.
Things are looking better for Diablo 4, and Blizzard, but there's still plenty of rest among the player base, unfortunately, as there has been since Diablo 4 Season 1 started late last month.
The Diablo 4 1.1.1 patch notes earlier this week actually brought a lot of joy to the player base by simply buffing a lot of items and characters without any strings attached.