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Matt Galea

November Horoscopes 2024: Here’s What Each Star Sign Can Expect From The Month Ahead

Scorpio Season has arrived and so too has your November horoscopes 2024! Now, Scorp Szn is a time of intensity (I should know, given that I’m a Scorpio myself). So read these prophecies carefully to see what you’re in for over the month ahead.

We’ve got a New Moon hitting on November 1 and a Full Moon rising on November 15 so mark those dates in your calendars for your manifestations and intention setting!

Meanwhile Saturn Retrograde coming to an end will open doors for you, so be sure to channel the energy properly to bring your goals to life!

Lemme introduce myself: I’m Matt Galea, PEDESTRIAN.TV’s Deputy Editor and resident astrologer (I recently released my first astrology book How To Spot The (Star) Signs, so I know a thing or two about this stuff!).

Now sit back, relax, and let me guide you through your November horoscopes 2024…

November Horoscopes 2024


March 21 – April 19


Expect tension in your love life at the start of the month due to war planet Mars clashing with transformation planet (and your ruling planet) Pluto. Singles might experience a clash with someone you’ve freshly started talking to or you might find yourself on a crappy date. Combat this by being ruthless in your choices — if the vibes aren’t right, GTFO of there and ask questions later. Those in relationships should bail on all plans and spend time with your other half on November 1 as the New Moon will reignite that spark and help you reach new levels of intimacy.


This month you’ll feel inspired to make your voice known at work. Channel your Aries energy and be vocal at all times, whether it’s speaking up when something’s out of pocket or asking for a promotion and recognition for your hard work. Being timid and quiet isn’t usually your style, make sure you’re standing up for yourself and claiming the bag that’s rightfully yours!


A fifteen-year cosmic cycle will come to an end on November 19, at which time you will feel a sense of completion and of doors closing. But as they say, when one door closes, another opens, so keep your eyes peeled for any and all opportunities to level-up your life around this time as there is major transformative energy in the air.


April 20 – May 20


The main theme over the course of Scorpio Season will be on relationships. One in particular will be weighing heavily on your mind. You’ll be wanting to mend any rifts that exist in this relationship and strengthen the bond you have. Whether this is by moving a situationship to the next level or solving long-standing beef with your partner. And if you’re single, this could mean one of your platonic relationships, or you may start to analyse your dating habits and feel the need to shift them.


By nature, Taurus is a hard-working sign because all the opulent earth babies who belong to the bull are well aware that if they want to continue splurging on snacks, treats and espresso martinis, they’re gonna need to work their butts off. Although you may be a tad on the lazy side at times, you have no qualms getting shit done when you need to. But this month, around November 3, you will learn the importance of finding a balance between work and play. Try not to let work become your entire world — you may be neglecting other areas! Meanwhile, around November 11 you may receive positive news about your career!


You’re going to be feeling hella confused about something around November 9, which makes sense given Mercury Retrograde is right around the corner. In times of uncertainty, don’t rush into any decisions. Pause, have a think, and be strategic. Phone a friend if you have to! Enough with this urgency culture — everyone can wait until you’re good and ready to give an answer. The Full Moon on November 15 is a perfect time to clear out any negative energy that’s clogging your system.


May 21 – June 21


Around November 18, try and monitor how you interact with potential love interests or your partner. Remember, you move at a different speed to literally everyone else, being a fast-paced Gemini, and all. Not everyone is at your level — sucks to be them, but it does mean you need to be mindful and not expect others to match your energy. Try taking a chill pill and meeting people halfway, rather than pressuring them to hurry the fuck up.


Since March of 2023, task master planet Saturn has been helping you level-up in your career. Over the past four months, while Saturn was in retrograde, you’ve felt compelled to strengthen and evolve the way you do business. When Saturn Retrograde ends on November 15, you’ll be ready to take on that major leap you’ve been afraid to take, whether it’s gunning for a promotion, standing up to your toxic co-worker, unveiling your side hustle or switching careers.

The Olsen Twins

Your November horoscopes 2024 predict major goals being kicked at work. Channel your spiritual sisters, The Olsen Twins, and slay! (Credit: Getty)


This feels like an incredibly obvi and almost unnecessary statement, but you’re not getting enough R&R and self-care time and you need to work on it this month! No seriously, your dedication to the grind and wanting to hang with all your besties all the time is resulting in a stressed and tired Gemini and you’re barrelling towards burn-out. Over the next month, please get some rest. You’ll be amazed at the ways it helps balance your life!


June 22 – July 22


You’re feeling hella romantic and horny with the Sun currently in your fellow water sign Scorpio. When the New Moon rises on November 1, the potential for love is strong, just make sure you work on setting the foundation by getting to know the person and strengthening your connection. For those in relationships, some important convos will be had, surrounding finances, your day-to-day lives and your values.


Venus hits up your work sector from the start of the month ’til November 10. What the heck does this mean? Well, Venus is the love planet, which means the realms of love and work will collide. This could involve a flirty relationship at the office, important finance convos with your partner, or striking a work/life balance to ensure you’re home enough to enjoy quality time with your partner, OR finding the time to go on dates.


Your nearest and dearest will have reason to celebrate when the Full Moon hits on November 15. Congratulations for whatever that may be! Meanwhile, pay close attention to your dreams this month, especially around November 18 as you may receive messages from the universe while your natural psychic abilities are enhanced, what with the Sun in a fellow water sign, and all.


July 23 – August 22


Pluto activated your relationship sector at the end of October and it remains on fire at the start of the month. Pluto is the transformation planet, so take any hiccups in your love life as an opportunity for growth. For example, if you find yourself on a bunch of shitty dates, perhaps refine your process for selecting potential suitors. Or if you and your partner are constantly squabbling, consider seeing a counsellor to mend the rift.


Buckle up, Leo. The Full Moon on November 14 could spark a change to your work situation. Be flexible and go with the flow, remember that everything happens for a reason and change is always good. The change may not even involve you specifically, but more so the environment in which you work.


Are things at home not feeling quite right? I’m not surprised, based on where your stars are sitting at the mo! But good news, November is the time for a spring clean. When the New Moon rises on November 1, try making changes to your home space. Whether it’s a good ol’ clean-out, moving furniture around to shake-up the Feng Shui, or looking into potentially upgrading and moving. With the Sun-Saturn trine on November 3, you may end up signing a contract.


August 23 – September 22


November is set to be the highlight of your love calendar as romance planet Venus enters fellow earth sign Capricorn on November 11. Get ready for the best three weeks of the year in the realm of love. Plan some hot dates, ask out your crush, tell your partner you love them, plan a romantic getaway (more on that in Life In General!). Feel the love, babyyyyy. Plus, given that it’s Scorpio Season (AKA the sensual sign), it’s time to reach your pleasure peak and enjoy some sexy times.


The conclusion of Saturn Retrograde on November 15 will offer the opportunity to kick some major career goals, but the kicker (no pun intended) is that you won’t be able to do this alone. Joining forces with someone whose skills and abilities complement your own will help you smash it that much faster, whether it’s calling upon your colleagues to help out or starting a side hustle with someone.


Prepare to be bitten by the travel bug around November 2 when Mercury enters Sagittarius. Either go with your good self and travel that weekend if your schedule and funds allow it, if not, the weekend of November 15 is a bountiful time for a getaway! Meanwhile, Mars entering your 12 House of Rest from November 3 is your sign that it’s time to slow the hell down and take care of yourself.


September 23 – October 22


Struggling with intimacy in your situationship, with your partner, or with new suitors? The November 15 Full Moon is the best time to have some important convos to try and mend the situation and strengthen the bonds you have. Don’t worry, Libran queen. Scorpio Season’s sultry but honest vibes will help you do so.


You’ve gotta get your finger out and put pen to paper this month, Libra. No more slacking off and procrastinating, the deadline is NOW. Actually, it’s around November 4 — so show your boss and colleagues what a sick worker you are and smash those projects with gusto. With that said, be wary of people in the workplace trying to pile you up with too much work. Boundaries are essential in the workplace, so don’t be afraid to set them if you feel like you’re being taken for a ride.


Any DIY projects you’ve been putting off should be tackled around November 11 when love planet Venus (and your ruling planet!) moves into hard-working, get-shit-done sign Capricorn. Overall, November 3 is a particularly lucky date for you so be sure to set any plans in motion around this time in order to receive fruitful results!


October 23 – November 21


You may find yourself in a romantic entanglement of sorts when Venus has its ingress into Capricorn on November 11. In particular, love connections could be formed at work, while travelling, or in other unexpected places. For those in relationships, the Full Moon in Taurus lights up your Seventh House of Commitment, encouraging you to realign with your partner on your goals, values, boundaries and path for the future.

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry

According to your November horoscopes 2024, the stars are playing cupid this month! It’s only fitting that you should feel the love during YOUR season, just like Scorpio queen Katy Perry with her hot husband Orlando Bloom. (Credit: Getty)


It’s time to put on your bossy boots and show ’em who’s in charge as Mars hits Leo in your 10th House of Authority. The only way to get to the top is by doing so with intense determination — relinquish anything holding you back from your goals, use all of the manifestation methods to summon career success, and work your lil butt off to get to where you’ve always dreamed of being.


Have you been considering changing up your look? Whether it’s updating your wardrobe, getting a tattoo, changing your hair, or something along those lines, your season is the time to do it! Enter the next year of your life with a brand new look, which will bring with it a brand new lease on life, as well. It’s always good to change up your luck!


November 22 – December 21


Expect fireworks in your love life as romance planet Venus hits up your sign on November 10. You’ll be charming as hell and summoning all of the cuties into your orbit. Already in a relationship? Be romantic AF with your partner and let them know how much you love them, and they will do so in return. Don’t ya just love love?


You’re going to need to tighten things up in your realm of finances when Venus enters Capricorn on November 11. Make sure you’re throwing your hard-earned dollarydoos at the right things and investing in yourself, rather than pissing it all away for short-term happiness. Think long-term, queen.


Have you felt stifled lately? Not to worry, you’ll finally get your voice back when Mercury enters your sign on November 2. This time may also bring a sudden epiphany that’ll help you power through and make big changes. November 9 is a particularly lucky day so make any major moves around then.


December 22 – January 19


For those in relationships, the stars want you to know that you mean the absolute world to your nearest and dearest and when the Full Moon hits on November 15, you will feel the love big time as it beams into your Fifth House of Love and Expression. As for singles, you should work on finessing your dating profile around this time to boost your chances of finding the one.


The New Moon on November 1 ignites your 11th House of Community, sparking the need to network in order to achieve your career goals. Capricorns typically prefer to conquer the world solo without any help from others, without realising that by recruiting others to aid you in your task, you can get shit done better and faster! Ditch your pride and ask for help when you need it, ploise. Networking throughout November could lead to some fruitful and exciting career opps!


Your ruling planet Saturn going retrograde on November 15 could signal a change to your immediate environment. If you’re unsure of your path and where you’re going, set some time aside for intention setting and planning (ideally around the New Moon on November 1). Perhaps a vision board or some good old fashion manifesting might be needed here! Bookmark your November horoscopes 2024 to remind yourself of this date. Forewarned is forearmed — go in prepped and ready!


January 20 – February 18


The New Moon on November 1 will have you feeling keen on commitment, so those in relationships will be loving life with their boo and singles will be on the prowl majorly. Action planet Mars is set to enter Leo and your relationship zone on November 3 — when this happens, be creative in how you approach dating. But beware of toxic energy… if something doesn’t feel quite right, it probably ain’t!


Scorpio is the divine ruler of your career zone so this month could bring some exciting professional advancements! Stuck on how to approach a certain work scenario? The answer you seek might just be buried in your psyche — around November 24, try some meditation, breathwork and mindfulness to bring those ideas to the surface and you might just be hit with an epiphany! Also pay attention to your dreams throughout November as they might hold the answers you seek.


Oop, looks like some changes are afoot — which makes sense, given that it’s Scorpio Season, ruled by transformation planet Pluto. When the Full Moon hits on November 15, you’re really gonna need to lean into your free-flowing Aquarius energy and be flexible to any shifts and changes that occur on the home or work front.


February 19 – March 20


Scorpio Season will have a particular impact on you, given that you’re a fellow water sign. Allow the intensity of the Scorpio to inspire you to make great changes in your love life. You’ve been feeling a lil numb lately and the scorpion is pinching your butt and compelling you to make moves that’ll help you feel things once again.


Don’t be afraid to use your natural Piscean charm to get you where you need to go this month. Schmooze away, bat your lashes, flex your skills! Especially around November 11 when dreamy planet Venus enters hard-working Capricorn along with your 11th House of Community, enhancing that charm I was talking about.

Rihanna for your November horoscopes 2024

Take the advice of your November horoscopes 2024 and be your usual charming self — just like Pisces babe Rihanna! (Credit: Getty)


Miscommunications are on the horizon, especially around November 9. Ensure you’re expressing yourself properly and thoroughly, keep all receipts, check in when poss — and when shit hits the fan, don’t feel compelled to seek revenge (you’ll be hella tempted given that it’s Scorpio Season and all!). Instead, try and find the learnings from this scenario and a safer path for the future.

And so concludes your November horoscopes 2024. See ya next month for December!

Matt Galea is the Deputy Editor of PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer who penned your November horoscopes 2024. You can find him on InstagramTwitter and TikTok.

The post November Horoscopes 2024: Here’s What Each Star Sign Can Expect From The Month Ahead appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .

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