Police have said Nottinghamshire is a safer place to live than before the Covid pandemic.
The declaration follows the release of crime figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
They show a seven per cent drop in offences over the year up to September 2021, however Nottinghamshire Police Chief Constable Craig Guildford admitted statistics could be impacted by Covid restrictions.
Statistics also show crime fell by 17 per cent compared to the same period in 2019, compared to 1.5 per cent nationally.
CC Guildford put the decrease down to "hard work and focus" from the force.
"There's been a continual positive trajectory with regards to increasing our numbers and focusing on those [issues] that cause communities most angst," he told Nottinghamshire Live.
"I look at 2019 - before lockdown - and the last year, and in both of these tests we have decreased crime considerably."
He added admitted that Covid and repeated lockdowns had brought their own unique challenges to the force.
"In the first part of lockdown the night time economy reduced because clearly the city and town centres were virtually closed. But we had different demands, particularly demands around antisocial behaviour and calls related to Covid breaches."
The biggest drop in offending in the last year has been in robberies and burglaries, where there has been a 22 per cent reduction in robbery incidents and a 28 per cent drop in burglary offences.
However, CC Guildford said offences against children had "really picked back up" since lockdown, when referrals dropped - particularly whilst schools were off.
"That's just a natural occurring phenomenon really, but from our perspective, the amount of people we've charged has been higher in the past year compared to the year before and 2019," he said.
"But with regards to the crimes that we've investigated and the prosecutions, we've actually prosecuted, we've charged more people with child sex offences and adult sex offences than we have in previous years.
"That's from sexual touching through to rape - and I'm really pleased with that fact because with the uplift in resources I've put more staff into investigating online offences against children and rape."
As well as the pandemic's effects on victims of crime, Covid has also taken its toll on police officers, said the chief constable.
He said: "I think the biggest challenge is to remember that the lockdown impacted on all the officers and staff as well, and lots of our workforce has had Covid and had to self-isolate ... etc. I think that was a particular challenge for police in the UK.
"On a local basis a lot of the challenge was making sure we got the messaging right, that we were proportionate, sensible and in it together."
CC Guildford added: "Staff have been brilliant, they've really stepped up to the mark. They've gone forward into situations where people have had Covid, they've gone into situations of death where people have been suffering from Covid. I think they've really shown what it is to be a police officer."
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