The entry into Ukraine by Russian military forces on Thursday cast a shadow over the annual budget-setting full council meeting at Nottinghamshire County Council.
Councillor Kate Foale, Labour group leader, suggested that a cross-party statement should be issued by the council, expressing its concerns about the situation.
The invasion after several weeks of increasing military build-up on the borders of Ukraine and despite Russian president Vladimir Putin, playing down his intention to cross the border.
During a lunchtime break, leaders from each party on the council got together to draw up their statement, which was read out at the start of the afternoon session by council chairman Councillor Mike Quigley.
It said: "On behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council, elected members unanimously condemn the actions of Vladimir Putin and the Russian government.
"And express our horror at the disregard for human life, national sovereignty and the international rule of law.
"This council stands with the people of Ukraine and their friends and relatives living in Nottinghamshire. This is an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation by a rogue state.
"The people that will suffer the most will be the civilians on both sides. We express our unity of support for the democratically-elected government and the people of Ukraine.
"And call upon the UK Government and its NATO allies to offer the maximum possible support, humanitarian aid and military support for the Ukrainian people."
A round of applause greeted the statement and throughout the rest of the meeting, which at time was ill-tempered, councillors continually reminded each other that jibes aimed at each other were not "entirely appropriate in the light of the Ukraine situation".
At the time of writing, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was outlining banking sanctions on Russia in the House of Commons.
And on the ground, the Ukrainian military said they had launched an artillery attack on Russian paratroopers who had landed at Antonov Airport near Kyiv and tried to take control.
The airport, which is a significant international cargo port and also a military base, is about an hour and a half's drive from the capital Kyiv, where people are trying to free from to neighbouring countries.
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