A dad of six has turned his life around after a complete stranger called him "fat" in the city centre. James Salmon, a bus driver from Clifton, has lost six stone since the incident in September last year.
The 34 year old said he had never been bothered by his weight before, when he was weighing 26 stones and 2 pounds. But one day, as he was smoking a cigarette in Milton Street, something made him want to change his way of living.
"I was just standing around, smoking a cigarette, and someone told me 'you are fat. You need to move that belly or you are going to die'", said Mr Salmon.
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"I would always get called fat, so I always ignored it. But that day something just triggered me."
The bus driver said that some customers have called him "fat" before. "It is usually when they get frustrated that the card machine is not working", he added.
Mr Salmon has since dumped pizzas and takeaways for a healthy diet and exercise. He now goes to the gym every day, and weighs 20 stones and 3 pounds.
He added: "I have never tried to lose weight before. I have always been heavier but I have never been bothered.
"I could not breathe before. I can run after my children now.

"I go to the gym every day. My whole life has changed."
On top of this, Mr Salmon said has also managed to save money after giving up takeaways. "I save lots of money", he added.
"Before, I would have probably spent £15 a day on food, pizzas or takeaways. So it is a big difference to what I spend now, around £3.3, on rice and chicken."
"I used to get three takeaways a week. Now I get one a week or sometimes one a month.
"My whole life has changed. I can run after my children now, I go to the gym every day."
He is determined to lose more weight. Mr Salmon said he is now grateful to the stranger who confronted him last year.
He said: "I would tell him 'thank you'." His mum, Mandy Salmon, said she is "super proud" of her son's impressive weight loss journey.
Ms Salmon, from Nuthall, added: "He has done extremely well. I am super proud of him.
"One day, he just decided to change his life around. He stopped eating all the takeaways and rubbish, and started going on long walks and to the gym."
The 54-year-old said: "It has made him a lot healthier. It is nice that he can do things with his children now without being out of breath."
She continued: "He is a changed man. It has given him a new lease of life."