A Nottingham dad is running the length of the M1 to raise awareness after his son received a "life changing" diagnosis. Jamie Austin, 49, who is originally from Nottingham, is undertaking the huge challenge to raise funds after his 12-year-old son, Henry, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, where a lack of insulin causes the level of blood sugar to become too high.
Henry, who was 10-years-old when he was diagnosed in June 2020, had started showing signs of the condition such as an increased thirst and needing to go to the toilet more than usual. But dad Jamie, who is running 220 miles over 10 days from January 23 for diabetes research charity JDRF, said he was completely unaware at the time.
"I didn't know or spot the symptoms that he had. He needed to drink a lot and go to the toilet a lot, he was never satisfied when he had a drink and was having to get up five and six times a night sometimes," he said.
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"Suddenly we had to rush him to A&E, because it can be life threatening if it's not treated properly. The next thing we know after blood tests is that he's got Type 1 diabetes, basically that your body is not creating enough insulin.
"But the part I didn't realise is that to get the balance right in your blood sugar, you have to be constantly taking blood samples or having a glucose monitor. You also have to be careful about what you eat and drink, constantly calculating and it is life changing.
"This is day and night, so we have to wake Henry in the night, so it is relentless and tiring for people with Type 1. It has changed everything, but he hasn't let it stop him from doing anything. He plays football, cricket, and is trying out for his black belt in karate.
"He has been brilliant, brave and pragmatic, he's really got on with it. But I didn't know anything about it before, I was learning as he did, that is why I want to raise awareness."

Approximately 400,000 people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, including around 29,000 children. On January 27, Jamie continued his run, travelling from Hucknall to Nottingham, passing Meadow Lane, and finishing the leg in Barrow upon Soar.
"It's a huge commitment and it's an idea that came about because I wanted to do something big and challenging, I'm not a runner or part of any running club. I wanted to do something different and push myself, so I was quietly training.
"The M1 looms pretty large in Nottingham, and also we went to Sheffield Children's Hospital for his clinical trial, plus I quite like the ring of 'M1 for T1'. I've had a word with Notts County, as I'm a county fan and Henry has been to a lot of games, and we're going to take a few photos on the way hopefully.
"When I first started looking it was more than 200 miles, which made me think 'blimey', but I've planned some rests in and broken it up. I think there were some raised eyebrows when I told my family and friends - I think a few of them were worried about my sanity for a little bit, and I had to explain I wasn't actually planning on running on the M1 itself."
The money raised by the run, which is already more than £8,000, will go towards leading Type 1 diabetes research charity JDRF. Terence Lovell, fundraising and engagement director at JDRF, said: “We are so inspired by Jamie’s challenge and his incredible fundraising efforts to support our work. Jamie's son Henry lives with Type 1 diabetes, so he has first-hand experience of how tough it can be to manage the condition.
"His challenge will make a huge difference to our vital work, through raising much-needed awareness of Type 1 as well as essential fundraising. The money raised will help us continue research to find a cure for Type 1 diabetes and support those living with the autoimmune condition.
"As a charity, we’re reliant on voluntary funds and we’re getting ever closer to finding cures. We hope Jamie’s story will inspire people to sponsor his run via Jamie Austin is fundraising for JDRF (justgiving.com), or take on their own challenge. You can find out more about ways to support and our work at JDRF UK - Type 1 diabetes research | JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity.”